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Using the Blank Request Form

The Blank Request Form is used when a bibliographic record is not located for the desired title. The Blank Request Form lets you select which lenders will receive the request, add notes or additional information related to the request, and include information pertaining to the patron who requested the items. The system pre-fills the Request Date field on the form with the current calendar date.

NOTE: Fields identified by a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled in. All other fields are optional.

To prepare the Blank Request Form:

  1. Access the Blank Request Form:
    • From Search: Click the Blank ILL Request link on any screen in the Search interface; the Blank Request Form displays.
    • From ILL Administration: Select Blank Request Form from the ILL Admin menu; the Blank Request Form displays.

Blank Request Form

Blank Request Form

  1. The Select a Patron dialog displays. The desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or (for systems utilizing the optional SIP2 functionality) from the SIP2 database before the request form is displayed (see Using Select a Patron (SHAREit/SIP2 Authentication) for details).
    • If the patron was selected from the SHAREit database AND the patron’s account is blocked, expired, or has been disabled, an advisory dialog displays the message “The account for (patron name) has (been blocked / expired / been disabled / expired and been disabled). Do you want to proceed with the request?”
      • Click the Yes button to proceed with the request.
      • Click the No button to cancel the request and cancel the request and close the ILL Request Form. The message “Request Closed” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  2. Select the desired request type:
    • Click the Returnable (loan) link at the top of the form for a borrow request.
    • Click the Non-Returnable (copy) link at the top of the form for a photocopy request.

      NOTE: If you select Non-Returnable (copy) as the request type, a “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement when submitting a copy request. Click the Yes button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the request. Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the request.

Copyright Confirmation Message

Copyright Confirmation Message

  1. Enter the required information in the form fields (see ILL Request Form Fields for more information).
  2. Click the Submit button to submit the ILL request.
    • If your interlibrary loan request is unsuccessful:
      • If you enter incomplete information in the ILL Request Form, a message indicating the required information displays briefly at the top of the screen.
      • Enter the required information and click the Submit button to resubmit the request.

        NOTE: If you have not included mandatory information in the ILL Request Form, a warning dialog displays a message listing the required information. Click the OK button on the warning dialog to return to the ILL Request Form. Enter the required information, then click the Submit button to resubmit the form.

    • If your interlibrary loan request is successful:
      • A confirmation dialog displays.

Typical ILL Request Confirmation Screen

Typical ILL Request Confirmation Screen