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Viewing and Downloading File Attachments

An ILL lending library may choose to fill Non-returnable (copy) requests electronically by supplying digital files to you. If you submitted a Non-returnable (copy) request, and the request was filled with one or more digital files, you can view and/or download the file(s) supplied.

NOTE: If your library has downloaded the files for you, the message “Viewed” is shown in the Download column of the Uploaded Files screen. See your librarian for more information.

To view file attachments:

NOTE: In order to view a view file attachment, your workstation must be configured with an application capable of opening the file type (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader for .pdf files, or Microsoft Word for .doc and .docx files).

NOTE: You may only access a given file attachment through the ILL Request Summary a limited number of times (up to five maximum, as determined by your library. If you wish to retain a copy of a file attachment, it is recommended that you download the file attachment before viewing to prevent potential loss of the file.

  1. From the Items from Other Libraries screen (see Viewing Items from Other Libraries for details), click the Electronic Attachment link for the desired request.
    • The Uploaded Files screen displays. The screen shows a listing of all file attachments for the associated ILL request.
  2. Click the Download link for the file attachment you wish to view.
    • A “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement before downloading the file. Click the OK button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the download. (Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the download.)
  3. A standard File Download dialog displays.
  4. Select to open the file using the standard procedures for your web browser.
    • The appropriate application for the file type launches automatically, and the file attachment displays.
  5. If desired, save a copy of the file to your local workstation from within the application used to view the file (refer to the documentation provided with the software application for the proper procedures for saving files).

    NOTE: If you wish to retain a copy of the file attachment, you must save a copy of the file to your workstation from within the application used to view the file. Once you have viewed the file the maximum number of times allowed as determined by your library, the Electronic Attachment link is replaced with the message “Viewed,” and you can no longer access the file through the Items from Other Libraries screen.

  6. Once the attachment has been saved (if desired), close the “viewing” application to return to the Uploaded Files screen.
  7. Repeat steps 4 through 8 to view additional file attachments.
  8. When all file attachments have been viewed, close the Uploaded Files screen to return to the Items from Other Libraries screen.

To download file attachments:

NOTE: In order to view a view file attachment, your workstation must be configured with an application capable of opening the file type (such as Adobe Acrobat Reader for .pdf files, or Microsoft Word for .doc and .docx files).

NOTE: You may only access a given file attachment through the ILL Request Summary a limited number of times (up to five maximum, as determined by your library. If you wish to retain a copy of a file attachment, it is recommended that you download the file attachment before viewing to prevent potential loss of the file.

  1. From the Items from Other Libraries screen (see Viewing Items from Other Libraries for details), click the Electronic Attachment link for the desired request.
    • The Uploaded Files screen displays. The screen shows a listing of all file attachments for the associated ILL request.
  2. Click the Download link for the file attachment you wish to view.
    • A “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement before downloading the file. Click the OK button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the download. (Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the download.)
  3. A standard File Download dialog displays.
  4. Select to save the file using the standard procedures for your web browser.
    • A standard Save As dialog displays.
  5. Navigate to the location in which you wish to save the file.
  6. If desired, edit the File name for the file. Be sure to retain the existing file type extension (such as .pdf or .doc), or you may not be able to open the file after downloading.
  7. Click the Save button to download the file.
    • The Save As dialog closes automatically, and the file attachment is saved to the specified location.
  8. Repeat steps 2 through 6 to download additional file attachments.
  9. When all file attachments have been downloaded, close the Uploaded Files screen to return to the Items from Other Libraries screen.