Viewing Item Category Lists
You can view, print, save and email a list of items associated with a selected category.
To view an Item Category list:
From the Circ Admin menu, select Item Categories.
- The Item Category Management screen displays.
- The screen lists all currently defined item categories, and shows the Category Name, number of items associated with the category (Titles on List), the date on which the category was Last Updated, and whether or not the category is currently Active.
Click the Category Name link of the category for which you wish to view
the item list.
- The item list for the selected category displays.
- The item list shows the Barcode, Title, Author, Call Number, current Location (branch and collection) and current Status for each item in the list.
- In cases where an item is currently checked out, the Check-out By column shows the username and barcode of the patron to whom the title is currently checked out.
- Click a Title or Call Number column head link to re-sort the list according to the selected key.
- If the list is longer than one page, use the Prev and Next links to view other pages of the list.
- Click a Barcode link to view item status for the associated item (see the Circulation User Guide for details).
- Click the Expand for Home/Refresh/Print button to display the staff screen toolbar, then click the Home button to return to the Item Category Management screen, or, click the Close button to return to the Staff Dashboard.
To save an Item Category list:
NOTE: Files are saved in Microsoft Excel format.
- Access the desired item category list.
- Click the Save link.
- The Item Category List is saved to the default download folder for your web browser.
To email an Item Category list:
NOTE: The Item Category list is sent as an attachment to the email, in Microsoft Excel format.
- Access the desired item category list.
Click the Email link.
- The Email Item Category Report screen displays in an additional browser window.
- Enter your email address (or the email address of the person to whom you wish to send the list) in the Email Address text box.
- Click the Submit button to send a copy of the list to the specified
email address.
- The message “An email with report as an attachment has been sent to: (email address)” displays. Click the Close button to close the Email Item Category Report screen and return to the item category list.
To print an Item Category list:
- Access the desired item category list.
- Click the Print link.
- A formatted version of the item list displays in an additional browser window.
- Use the standard procedures for your web browser to print the list.