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Viewing Item Status

You can use the Item Status function to view the current status of any item in your library's catalog. Status information includes the date added, current circulation status, date of last check out, and circulation activity for the past five years. Item status can also be accessed from the Item Not Found screen (see Item Check-Out and Adding a "Hard" Reserve for details) and the Select Title List (see Adding a “Soft” Reserve for details).

To view item status:

  1. From the Circulation menu (see The Circulation Menu for details), select Item Status.
    • The Item Status Entry Form displays.

Item Status Entry Form

Item Status Entry Form

  1. Enter the barcode or title of the item for which you wish to view the status in the Enter Title or Barcode text box.
    • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

    • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

      NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • If you entered a barcode and a match is found, the Item Status screen for the associated item displays (see step 6).
    • If you entered a barcode and a match is not found, the “Item Not Found” screen displays. If desired, you may submit a search for a new item (see step 5).
    • If you entered a title, the “Item Not Found” screen displays (see step 4).

Item Not Found Screen

  1. The “Item Not Found” screen shows a list of titles, beginning with the title that most closely matches your search criteria.
    • Use the scrollbar to view the current page of the list. Use the Previous and Next buttons to view other pages of the list.
    • Click an entry in the list to view Holdings Info for the item. The Holdings Info section of the screen refreshes to show all items for the selected entry. Each line in the list shows the Library holding the item, the item Location, the Title and current Status of the item, and the item Call#. Use the scrollbar to view the entire list. Click the ItemStatus button for an item to view the Item Status screen for the item (see step 6).

      NOTE: If no items are held by the library under which you logged in, the Holdings Info field shows the message “This library does not own any copies of this title.”

      • If desired, you may submit a search for a new item (see step 5).
  2. To submit a new search from the “Item Not Found” screen:
    • Enter the desired barcode, title, author’s name, call number, or ISBN in the Enter New Barcode or Search a Different Field text box.
      • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.

        NOTE: If your library has enabled searching by partial barcode (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for details), you may enter a complete or partial barcode.

      • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

        NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "Gone with the Wind", you may enter "gone with" as your search term; you may not enter "gone wind".

      • When entering an author’s name, enter the last name first.
      • When entering a call number, enter the complete call number.
      • When entering an ISBN number, enter the complete ISBN number.
    • For Title, Author, Call Number or ISBN searches, select the appropriate heading from the If not found, search by menu.
    • Click the Submit button to submit your search.
    • If you entered a barcode or call number and a match is found, the Item Status screen for the associated item displays (see step 6).
    • If you entered a barcode and a match is not found, the “Item Not Found” screen displays. If desired, repeat step 5 to submit a new search.
    • If you entered a barcode or call number and a match is not found, or of you entered a title, author’s name or ISBN, a list of titles, authors or call numbers or ISBNs displays, as appropriate, beginning with the entry that most closely matched your search criteria.
      • Use the scrollbar to view the current page of the list. Use the Previous and Next buttons to view other pages of the list.
      • Click an entry in the list to view Holdings Info for the item. The Holdings Info section of the screen refreshes to all items for the selected entry. Each line in the list shows the Library holding the item, the item Location, the Title and current Status of the item, and the item Call Number. Use the scrollbar to view the entire list. Click the Item Status button for an item to view the Item Status screen for the item (see step 6).

        NOTE: If no items are held by the library under which you logged in, the Holdings Info field shows the message “This library does not own any copies of this title.”

  3. The Item Status screen is a tabbed display that shows Item Information and Related Items. Click the desired tab to view the associated information.

Item Status Screen

Item Status Screen

  1. The Item Information page lists the Title, Author, Call#, Barcode and Captions for the item, and shows the date the item was added to your library’s collection (Date Added), the date on which the item was last inventoried (Date Inventoried), the date on which the item record was last edited (Date Modified), the initial Cost of the item, current Status, the Transaction Type of the most recent activity for the item, the last patron(s) to check out or renew the item (Previous User), the Last Checkin Date and checkin location, the Last Check Out date and checkout location (and number of times the item has been renewed if the last checkout transaction was a renewal), the Last Activity Date of the most recent transaction for the item, the Material Type and the Current Location, Permanent Location, and Owner Location (for rotating collections) for the item, any item Categories with which the item is associated, any Comments included in the item record, and the dates on which the associated bibliographic record was added to the database and most recently edited (Date Bibliographic Record Added and Date Bibliographic Record Modified). The Circulation field shows any circulation note entered for the item.
    • If desired, use the Circ Note field to enter or edit the circulation note for the item. Click the Update button to save your changes.
    • When the current status for the item is “Checked Out,” the Status field includes the username and full name of the patron to whom the item is checked out. Click the username link to view patron status for the patron to whom the item is checked out (see Viewing Patron Status for details).
    • If active reserves are placed for the item, the message “This item has outstanding reserve requests” is shown at the top of the screen.

      NOTE: If your library has enabled “shelving Cart” support, and the associated item is currently on a “shelving cart,” the Current Location of the item is appended with a specified notation such as “On Shelving Cart.”

    • If desired, click a Previous User link to view patron status for a prior patron to whom the item was checked out (see Viewing Patron Status for details).

      NOTE: The Previous User links are optional, and may not be enabled for all libraries.

      NOTE: The Previous User field lists up to the 10 most recent checkouts for the item. The number of prior checkouts shown is established in the Circulation Administration module. Previous User links are listed in reverse chronological order (most recent checkout first).

    • The CIRCULATION ACTIVITY field shows the number of times the title (All Items) and associated item (This Item Only) has been Circulated and Shelved, for each of the previous ten years.
    • Outstanding reserves for the title, if any, are shown in the CURRENT RESERVES field. Each line in the list shows the reserve No., (the patron’s “place in line” if multiple holds exist), the Patron Barcode and User Name under which the reserve was placed, the patron’s Phone number (if included in the patron’s record) and patron Category, the Pickup Location for the item when ready for pickup, and the date on which the reserve was placed (Date Placed).

      NOTE: If a “Reserve for Checkout” has been placed on the item, the Date Placed field shows the message “Hold for Checkout.” If the reserved item is currently “in transit” to the branch with which the reserving patron is associated, the Date Placed field shows the message “Reserve In Transit.”

    • If desired, edit the item Barcode, then click the Update button to save your changes.

      NOTE: Barcode editing is optional and may not be enabled for all libraries.

    • To view the MARC record for the item, click the View MARC Record button.
      • The MARC Details dialog displays.

MARC Details

MARC Details

  • Click the Ok button on the MARC Details dialog to return to the Item Status screen.
  1. The Related Items page shows other items held by your library for the current title.

Related Items

Related Items

  1. Click the Print button to print the Item Status screen.
    • A formatted version of the Item Status screen displays in an additional browser window.
    • Use the standard procedures for your web browser to print the Item Status screen.
  2. To view the status for another title, enter the title or barcode of the item for which you wish to view the status in the Enter Title or Barcode text box, then click the Submit button.