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Entering Staff Reserve Notes

Library staff members may enter Staff Notes for any currently active reserve. These notes may be used to provide additional information or direction to library staff during reserve processing or to provide information to the patron that requested the reserve. Staff Reserve Notes can be entered from the Patron Checkout, Status, & Reserves screen for a selected patron or from the View Reserve List screen for a selected title (accessed using the View By Title, View All Reserves or View Reserves with Available Copies functions available through the Reserves submenu.

To enter staff Reserve Notes by patron:

  1. Access the Patron Checkout, Status, & Reserves screen for the desired patron.
  2. Click the Reserves tab.
    • The Reserves page displays.

Reserves Page

Reserves Page

  1. The page lists all currently active reserves for the patron. Each line in the listing shows:
    • The Title, Author, and Volume of the reserved item.
    • The library location from which the patron may pick up the item when available (Pickup Location).
    • The patron’s Reserve Order for the item.

    NOTE: Reserves for an item may be placed by more than one patron at a time. Reserves are generally processed in the order received. The Reserve Order shows the patron’s “place in line” to borrow the item.

    • The date and time at which the reserve was placed (Hold Date), and the date on which the reserve will expire (Expiry Date).
    • The Item Barcode for the reserved item (for Item Level reserves).
    • Any Patron Note or Staff Note entered for the reserve.
  2. Click the Notes – Add/Edit button for the desired reserve to display the Notes dialog. Enter any information related to the reserve that you wish to provide to library staff or, alternately, to the patron.

Notes Dialog

Notes Dialog

  1. Click the Submit button.
    • The Notes dialog closes, and the Reserves page refreshes to display your changes.

To enter staff Reserve Notes by title:

  1. Access the View Reserve List screen for the desired title (see Viewing Reserves for more information).

View Reserve List

View Reserve List

  1. Click the Add Staff Notes link for the desired reserve to display the Staff Notes text box. Enter any information related to the reserve that you wish to provide to library staff or, alternately, to the patron.

    NOTE: If staff Reserves Notes were previously entered, the Staff Notes text box is pre-filled with the current Reserve Notes.

    • If the notes entered are intended to be viewed by library staff only, select the Display to Patron – No radio button.
    • If the notes entered are intended to be viewed by the patron, select the Display to Patron – Yes radio button.

      NOTE: If you select the Display to Patron – Yes radio button, be sure that no information intended to be viewed by library staff only is included in the notes.

  2. Click the Update Notes link.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Your Note has been updated.”
  3. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to close the dialog and return to the View Reserve List.