Viewing the Checkout Warning Screen
If there are warnings or fees associated with an item being checked out, the Checkout Warning screen displays when the item is selected for checkout. The Checkout Warning screen shows a list of conditions that may trigger the checkout warning.
NOTE: The checkout warning may be triggered by one or more of the listed conditions. Depending on the condition that triggered the checkout warning, the Continue button may not be available, and the checkout transaction must be cancelled.
The Checkout Warning screen may provide one or more of the following warnings:
- Renewal Limit - This field shows the total number of times the loan period
for the associated item has been renewed by the patron.
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed if the current checkout transaction will cause the renewal limit for the item to be exceeded.
- Checkout Limit - This field shows the total number of items currently
checked out to the patron.
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed if the current checkout transaction will cause the checkout limit for the patron to be exceeded.
- Item Has Reserves - This field shows the total number of “soft” reserves
currently placed against the title.
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed if any “soft” reserves are currently placed against the title.
- Item Has Exception - This field shows the current status (exception)
applied to the item. If no exception is applied to the item (current status of
the item is “Available”), this field shows the message “None.”
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed if any exception is applied to the item (current status of the item is other than “Available”, or a “hard” reserve has been placed against the item).
- Item Has a Checkout Fee - If a checkout fee is associated with the item,
this field shows the amount of the fee.
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed if any checkout fee is associated with the item.
- Patron’s Expiration date is (expiration date) – Item Calculated due date is
(calculated due date) - This field shows the patron’s expiration date and the
calculated due date for the item being checked out.
- The Checkout Warning screen is displayed any time the due date for a checked out item exceeds the patron’s expiration date. Library staff can select Yes to accept the calculated due date or No to set the due date equal to the patron’s expiration date.