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Changing Due Dates and Times

You can change the due date for any item checked out during a given check out session. Additionally, you may change the due time for “hourly” check out items.

To change due dates:

  1. Access the Checkout page of the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen for the desired patron (see Viewing Current Checkout Transactions for details).
  2. In the Items Checked Out On (date) field, click the Due Date button for any listed item.
    • The Modify Due Dates dialog displays.

Modify Due Dates Dialog

Modify Due Dates Dialog

  1. Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to enter the new due date in the Modify Due Date text box (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. If appropriate, specify the desired time by which the item is due using the H (hour) and M (minute) menus and the AM/PM radio buttons.

    NOTE: Time settings apply only to due dates in which a time value is specified.

  3. Indicate the items for which you wish the new due date/time to apply using the associated Update checkboxes.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the new due date/time will apply to the associated item.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the new due date/time will not apply to the associated item.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Check All button to select all Update checkboxes. (Click the Uncheck All button to clear all Update checkboxes.
  4. Click the Modify Due Dates button to submit your changes to the selected due dates.
  5. The Modify Checkout Due Dates dialog closes, and the Patron Checkout, Status & Reserves screen refreshes to display the new due date(s).