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Deleting Reports

You may delete any report created from your Home Location. Additionally, the system will automatically delete user-generated reports that are older than 90 days. This includes reports that complete with errors.

NOTE: The specific reports available to you through the Reports Directory are determined by the permissions granted to you in your User Record (see the User Administration User Guide for details).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The system will not ask for confirmation when deleting reports. Once the deletion request is submitted, the specified reports are deleted. If you wish to keep a copy of a report selected for deletion, be sure to save a copy of the report to your local workstation before deleting the report.

NOTE: Some user-generated reports as well as certain reports generated automatically by the system do not include a Home Location designation. Reports without a Home Location can be deleted by Customer SuperUsers only.

To delete a report:

  1. From the Circ Reports menu, select View Reports.
    • The Reports Directory screen displays.

Reports Directory Screen

Reports Directory Screen

  1. Select the Delete checkbox(es) for the report(s) you wish to delete.

    NOTE: Delete checkboxes are available only for those reports created from your Home Location. Your Home Location is established through your user record (see the User Administration User Guide for details).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated report will be deleted.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated report will not be deleted.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To select the checkboxes for all reports, click the Check/Uncheck All link. (Click again to deselect the checkboxes for all reports.)
  2. Click the Submit button to delete the selected report(s).
    • The Report Directory screen refreshes with the selected report(s) deleted.