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Configuring Staff Home Locations

Library staff members may be associated with one or more Home Locations. The staff member uses the same login credentials (Username and Password) to login to each home location. Additionally, the Circulation module includes a Home Location menu that allows staff members to switch between home locations without exiting and logging back into the system.

To configure staff Home Locations:

  1. From the Add a User Confirmation screen or the Edit User Accounts screen for the desired user, click the Staff Home Location Selections link.
    • The Staff Home Locations Selections screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen lists all libraries and branches defined for your system.

Staff Home Locations Selections

Staff Home Locations Selections

  1. Use the checkboxes provided for each Library Name to associate the staff member with one or more home locations.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the staff member is associated with the Library Name.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the staff member is not associated with the Library Name.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • The Not Assigned checkbox is selected by default.
  2. Use the Default radio buttons to select the default home location for the staff member.

    NOTE: The default home location is the location the staff user will initially log into each time the system is accessed.

    • When you change the Default selection, an advisory dialog displays the message “You have changed your default home location. Save this change?” Click the OK button to save the new Default selection and close the dialog. (Click the Cancel button to discard the change and retain the prior Default selection.)
  3. When all desired home locations have been configured, click the Submit button to save your changes and close the Staff Home Locations Selections screen.