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Patrons with Outstanding Fines

Purpose:  Provides a listing of all patrons with outstanding fine balances, based on a specified amount range. You may also choose to limit the report to a specified patron category and/or patron group.

Default Filename:

FINE_BALANCE_(date)_(ID number).xls

Patrons with Outstanding Fines Screen

Patrons with Outstanding Fines Screen

Report Parameters:

To view the Patrons with Outstanding Fines report:

NOTE: See Viewing and Downloading Reports to download and/or open the report for viewing.

The name of the report, the RUN DATE, and a summary of report parameters are shown at the top of the report. The Patrons with Outstanding Fines report provides the following information for each patron included in the report (patron information is taken from the patron’s user record, as available):

Patrons With Outstanding Fines Report

Patrons With Outstanding Fines Report