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Submitting Report Requests

The general procedure for submitting a report request applies to all available reports except Database Activity reports (accessed from the ITEM REPORTS menu), the only difference being the specific parameters you must specify or select for a given report. Use the following procedure to prepare and submit a report request. For details pertaining to the specific parameters, you must provide for each report, refer to Chapters 2 through 4.

NOTE: The specific reports available to you through the Reports Menu are determined by the permissions granted to you in your User Record (see the User Administration User Guide for details).

To submit a report request:

  1. From the Circ Reports menu, select Run Reports.
    • The Reports Menu screen displays.

Reports Menu Screen

Reports Menu Screen

  1. Click the name of the report you wish to run.
    • The Data Entry screen for the selected report displays in an additional browser window.
  2. Enter or select the desired report parameters using the text boxes and drop-down menus provided.
  3. Click the Submit button on the Data Entry screen.
    • The Data Entry screen refreshes to display the Scheduling Options screen for the report.
  4. Enter scheduling options for the report as desired (see Entering Scheduling Options for details).