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Entering Scheduling Options

Scheduling options let you specify the date and time at which the report will be run (allowing reports to be run during “off” hours). You can also use scheduling options to create recurring reports.

Scheduling Options Screen

Scheduling Options Screen

  1. Select the frequency for which you wish the report to be generated from the Report Frequency menu; either Once, Daily, Weekly or Monthly.

    NOTE: Some reports require that a specific cutoff date or date range be specified during report setup. The Report Frequency for these reports can only be set to Once (the Daily, Weekly and Monthly options are not available).

  2. Enter the date on which you wish the report to run in the Start Date text box. Enter the Start Date using the format “MM/DD/YYYY”, i.e., “03/10/2005.”

    NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Start Date. DO NOT include alphabetic characters when entering the Start Date

    • You may also click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon next to the Start Date text box to select a Start Date using the Date Entry Calendar (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  3. Select the time at which you wish the report to run from the Start Time “h” (hour) and “m” (minute) menus.

    NOTE: Report Start Time is based on the Pacific Time Zone. Start Time hours are specified using a “24-hour” clock. For example, to start the report at 2:15PM on the selected Start Date, choose “14h-00M” from the Start Time menus.

  4. Use the Email Notification when Complete checkbox to indicate whether or not you wish to receive email notification when the report has completed.

    NOTE: The default state for the Email Notification when Complete checkbox (selected or unselected) is established through the Circulation Options function in the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for more information).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates you do wish to receive email notification when the report has completed.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates you do not wish to receive email notification when the report has completed.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  5. Use the Email Report when Complete checkbox to indicate whether or not you wish to receive a copy of the completed report via email.

    NOTE: The default state for the Email Report when Complete checkbox (selected or unselected) is established through the Circulation Options function in the Circulation Administration module (see the Circulation Administration User Guide for more information).

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates you do wish to receive a copy of the completed report via email.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates you do not wish to receive a copy of the completed report via email.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: For reports where the report file exceeds 7 MB in size, the report IS NOT forwarded through email. In these cases, the email notification instead includes a message indicating that the report must be downloaded through the Circulation Reports module  (see Viewing and Downloading Reports for details).

  6. If either the Email Notification when Complete or the Email Report when Complete checkbox has been selected, enter the email address(es) to which notifications should be sent in the Email Address(es) text box.
    • When entering multiple email addresses, separate the addresses with a comma. Do not include spaces.
      • When one or more email addresses are entered in the Email Address(es) text box, the notification / report is sent to those email addresses only (the requestor is not automatically CC’d).
      • If the Email Address(es) text box is left blank, and the requestor’s User Record includes an email address, the notification / report is sent to the requestor.
      • If the Email Address(es) text box is left blank, and the requestor’s User Record does not include an email address, reports are made available through the View Reports function, but are not emailed to any user.
  7. Click the Submit button on the Scheduling Options screen to submit the report request.

NOTE: Depending on the size of your library's database and the specific report requested, it may take from several minutes to several hours or more for the report to complete. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the report to complete before viewing or downloading the report.