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Configuring the Pick List

The Configure Pick List function lets you select the specific information to be shown for each request in printed Pick Lists, and configure the Pick List function (available from the Lender’s Pending Status Browse List) to print either new requests only, or both new and previously printed requests.

NOTE: The Configure Pick List function is available to Library SuperUsers only.

To configure Pick Lists:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Configure Pick List.
    • The Configure Pick List screen displays.

Configure Pick List Screen

Configure Pick List Screen

  1. Use the INCLUDE radio buttons to select the type of requests to be included in printed Pick Lists; either New Requests Only or New and Printed Requests.
  2. Use the Sequence text boxes to indicate each Element you wish shown for requests in printed Pick Lists, and the order in which the elements should be listed.
    • Enter the desired Sequence number for each Element you wish to include in printed Pick Lists. Each Element must have a unique Sequence number.
    • If you do not wish to include a given Element in printed Pick Lists, leave the Sequence text box for the Element blank.
  3. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes.