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Configuring Library-Level ISSI Options

The Inter-System Sharing Initiative (ISSI) supports interlibrary loan activities (borrowing and lending) between libraries in different SHAREit systems. The Configure ISSI function lets you enable ISSI for your library, and configure parameters specifying the types of loans allowed and the library types with which you wish to trade.

NOTE: The Configure ISSI function at the library-level is available to Customer SuperUsers and Library SuperUsers only.

To configure ISSI options:

  1. Log in to the library for which you wish to configure ISSI options (see the System Basics User Guide for details).
  2. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Configure ISSI.
    • The Library ISSI Configuration screen displays.

Library ISSI Configuration Screen

Library ISSI Configuration Screen

NOTE: If ISSI participation has been disallowed for your system, the message “ISSI has been disabled for all libraries. Please contact your system administrator.” displays. You cannot participate in ISSI at this time.

  1. Use the Enable ISSI checkbox to enable or disable ISSI participation for your library.

    NOTE: For libraries designated as the Primary Default Lender or Secondary Default Lender (see Updating a Participant Record for details) for one or more libraries in your system, the Enable ISSI checkbox is unselected by default. For libraries that are not designated as the Primary Default Lender or Secondary Default Lender for any library in your system, the Enable ISSI checkbox is selected by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates ISSI participation is enabled for your library.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates ISSI participation is disabled for your library.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • When the Enable ISSI checkbox is selected, the ISSI Participant? – Yes radio button on the Participant Record (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart for details) for your library is selected.
      • When the Enable ISSI checkbox is not selected, the ISSI Participant? – No radio button on the Participant Record (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart for details) for your library is selected.
  2. Use the Automatically Send To ISSI Lenders checkbox to indicate whether or not ILL requests in Unfilled or Retry status will be automatically forwarded to ISSI lenders once the request has been sent to valid lenders included in the borrower’s local Lender Lists (see Sending Unfilled/Retry Requests to ISSI Lenders for more information).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates ILL requests will be sent to ISSI lenders automatically.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates ILL requests will not be sent to ISSI lenders automatically.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Use the Allowable Loan Type checkboxes to specify the type(s) of interlibrary loan requests you wish to share through ISSI; Returnable and/or Non-Returnable.

    NOTE: All Allowable Loan Type checkboxes are selected by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated Loan Type is an allowable loan type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated Loan Type is not an allowable loan type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  4. Use the Library Type checkboxes to specify the library types with which you wish to perform interlibrary loan activities; Public, Academic, Schools, Special, Correctional or Other.

    NOTE: All Library Type checkboxes are selected by default.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated Library Type is an allowable library type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated Library Type is not an allowable library type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  5. Click the Save button to save your changes.
    • The message “Settings saved” shows briefly at the bottom of the screen.