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Configuring the Request Manager

The Configure Request Manager function lets you set the order in which statuses are listed in the Request Manager.

To configure the Request Manager:

  1. Select Configure Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details).
    • The Configure Request Manager screen displays.

Configure Request Manager Screen

Configure Request Manager Screen

  1. Use the Sequence text boxes to enter the desired display sequence for the statuses in the Borrower actions sequence, Lender actions sequence, Borrower Items awaiting response and Lender Items awaiting response lists.
    • You can enter any number from “0” to “9999” as a display sequence number.
    • You must enter a unique display sequence number for each status in a given list.

      NOTE: If the same display sequence number is used for more than one element, the message “Please check the following errors: Duplicate value” displays at the top of the screen and “Duplicate value” displays next to the duplicate Sequence number(s) when you submit your changes.

    • You can enter display sequence numbers in numeric order (1, 2, 3, etc.), or, you can skip numbers (10, 20, 30, etc.) to allow for easier re-sequencing of elements.
  2. When display sequence numbers have been entered for all statuses in each list, click the Submit button to save your changes.

    NOTE: You must enter a display sequence number for all included elements. If you do not enter a display sequence number for a given status, the Sequence for the status will default to “0” when you submit your changes.