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ILL Request Barcode Processing

Each Shipping Label and Bookstrap includes a unique barcode representing the system-generated Request Number of the associated ILL request. The optional Barcode Processing feature allows library staff to process ILL requests (update the status of a request) by scanning the barcode on the Shipping Label or Bookstrap accompanying the loaned or supplied material.

NOTE: Your workstation must be equipped with a “3/9-compatible” barcode reader in order to perform Barcode Processing of ILL requests.

To perform Barcode Processing:

  1. Select Request Manager from the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details).
    • The Request Manager screen displays.
  2. Click the link for the status category for which you wish to perform barcode processing.

    NOTE: Categories in which no ILL requests are included are shown in “normal” type; these categories cannot be selected.

    • To process requests that require action, click a link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Action Items field or Manage Lender Requests - Action Items field, as appropriate.
    • To process requests awaiting action by trading partners, click a link in the Manage Borrower Requests - Items awaiting trading partner response field or Manage Lender Requests - Items awaiting trading partner response field, as appropriate.
  3. A browse list of all current ILL requests in the selected status category displays. The list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes current status information.

Status Browse List

Status Browse List

  1. Click the Barcode Processing button.
    • The Barcode Processing screen for the current Status Browse List displays.

Barcode Processing Screen

Barcode Processing Screen

  1. Select the status you wish to apply to the processed requests from the Status menu and select the desired reason or condition for the status change from the Reason/Condition menu, if appropriate.
  2. Scan the barcode on the Shipping Label or Bookstrap for the item you wish to process.
    • The Barcode Processing screen refreshes to display a Status of Update message and reference information for the processed title.
    • If desired, click the Reset button to clear the current barcode number.
  3. Repeat step 6 to process additional items.

    NOTE: If you wish to apply a different status or condition to a given item, be sure to change the Status menu or Reason/Condition menu selection prior to scanning the barcode for the item.

  4. When all desired items have been processed, click the Close button to return to the Status Browse list.