ILL Request Limits
ILL Request Limits is an optional feature that allows authenticated patrons to be assigned to Patron Categories, each of which is designated an “ILL Request Limit.” ILL Request Limits may be placed on the number of requests that may be submitted during a given time period (per week, per month, per quarter or per year) or on the maximum number of active ILL requests allowed for a patron. Separate limits may be specified for each Patron Category. Additionally, libraries that allow unauthenticated guests to submit ILL requests can create a “Guest” Patron Category to establish ILL Request Limits for library guests (based on the username and password entered in the ILL Request Form). When an ILL Request Limit is reached, an “over limit” message displays when the user submits an additional ILL request. Patron Categories are created, maintained and assigned to users through the User Administration module (see the User Administration User Guide for details).
Whether or not a given request counts towards an ILL Request Limit depends on the current status of the request. The following table shows the available ILL request statuses, whether or not the status displays to the patron when viewing Items from Other Libraries, and whether or not a given status counts toward ILL Request Limits.
Request Status |
Displays in "Items From |
Counts Toward ILL |
Accepted Renewal | Yes | Yes |
Awaiting Approval | Yes | Yes |
Awaiting Lenders | No | No |
Cancel Shipped Request | Yes | Yes |
Cancelled | Yes | No |
Complete | Yes | No |
Expired | Yes | No |
ILL Review | Yes | Yes |
Lost | No | No |
Not Received | Yes | Yes |
Not Received Overdue | Yes | Yes |
Overdue | Yes | Yes |
Passed to Local System | Yes | No |
Pending | Yes | Yes |
Pending Cancel | Yes | Yes |
Recalled | Yes | Yes |
Received | Yes | Yes |
Rejected Renewal | Yes | Yes |
Renew Pending | Yes | Yes |
Retry | Yes | Yes |
Returned | No | No |
Shipped | Yes | Yes |
Unfilled | Yes | No |
Will Supply/In Process | Yes | Yes |
Conditional | Yes | Yes |
ILL Review Awaiting Lenders | No | No |
Scheduled for Deletion | Varies | No |
NOTE: When a new patron category is added through the User Administration module, the No Limit checkbox is selected automatically for the added category. Be sure to edit ILL Request Limits for added categories to set the desired request limits.
To set ILL Request Limits:
From the ILL Admin menu (see
The ILL Admin Menu for details),
select ILL Request Limits.
- The ILL Request Limits screen displays.
- The Patron Category field lists all Patron Categories currently defined for your library.
- The Default category is used to define ILL Request Limits for authenticated patrons not assigned to a specific Patron Category, and for unauthenticated guests when a “Guest” Patron Category has not been defined.
- If desired, you can reconfigure, sort and filter table content (see the System Basic User Guide for details).
- Select the period by which you wish to set ILL request limits from the ILL
Request Limits Option drop-down menu:
- number active – sets the maximum number of active ILL requests allowed.
NOTE: A borrow request is considered active from the time it is submitted until the time that it is placed in Returned status (for filled ILL requests), or has been deleted (for unfilled ILL requests). A copy request is considered active from the time it is submitted until the time that it is received by the borrowing library (for filled requests), or has been deleted (for unfilled requests).
- number per week – sets the maximum number of ILL requests that may be submitted during any given week. The count is reset to zero at 12:01 AM each Sunday.
- number per month – sets the maximum number of ILL requests that may be submitted during any given month. The count is reset to zero at 12:01 AM on the first day of each month.
- no limit – there is no limit placed on the number of ILL requests you can
NOTE: When no limit is selected from the ILL Request Limits Option drop-down menu, the No Limit checkboxes for all patron categories are selected automatically, and the ILL Limit text boxes are removed from the screen. If another option is subsequently selected from the ILL Request Limits Option drop-down menu, the ILL Limit text boxes are returned to the screen in read-only (non-editable) format, and the No Limit checkboxes for all patron categories remain selected. You must manually deselect the No Limit checkboxes for each patron category for which you wish to specify an ILL request limit (the most recently entered ILL Limit for the User Category is entered by default).
- number active – sets the maximum number of active ILL requests allowed.
- Enter the maximum number of active ILL requests allowed for the currently
selected period for each Patron Category in the associated ILL Limit text box.
- To disallow ILL requests for a Patron Category, enter “0” in the associated ILL Limit text box.
- To configure a Patron Category for unlimited requests, use the
No Limit
checkbox for the desired Patron Category.
- A checkmark indicates the Patron Category is configured for unlimited requests.
- An empty checkbox indicates the Patron Category is not configured for unlimited requests.
- Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
NOTE: When the No Limit checkbox for a Patron Category is selected, the ILL Limit text box for the category is “grayed” out (non-editable). If the No Limit checkbox is subsequently de-selected, the ILL Limit returns to editable format, and the most recently entered ILL Limit for the Patron Category is entered by default.
- When entering a value greater than “999” in the ILL Limit text box, do not include a comma in the value entered.
- When the ILL Limit has been set for each Patron Category, click the Submit button to save your changes.