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Accessing the Copyright Clearance Center

The Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) is a not-for-profit company that provides copyright licensing services to users of copyrighted materials. The CCC collects royalty payments from users of copyrighted materials (libraries, businesses, academic institutions, etc.) and distributes those payments to the copyright owners (publishers, authors, etc.). Libraries may select to pay for articles in excess of the CONTU Guidelines to the CCC.

The Shipped, Not Received and Received Status Browse screens include a link to the Copyright Clearance Center for all Nonreturnable (copy) requests. Before updating the request to Received, staff may opt to check the CONTU Copyright Tracking Report (see the RESEARCHit/SHAREit Statistics User Guide or VERSO Statistics User Guide for more information) for the title to determine if the article is one for which they wish to pay a royalty (i.e., one in excess of the “Guideline of Five”).

To access the Copyright Clearance Center, click the Copyright Clearance Center icon Copyright Clearance Icon to open the Copyright Clearance Center in an additional browser window. Depending on the level of detail in the request (inclusion of an ISSN, complete title, etc.), CCC will present either a screen with the specific title or a list of titles that may match. Select the appropriate title, view permission options, and report usage to CCC.

NOTE: A login to the CCC is required to submit payment, but not to search for titles and check royalty fees.

NOTE: Clicking on the link to CCC will not update the CONTU Copyright Tracking Reports. If you opt to pay a royalty on an article, you may wish to record that fact in the downloaded copy of the Detailed Report.

To access the CCC from a Status Browse List:

  1. Access the desired Status Browse list (see Using the Request Manager for details) by clicking the appropriate link in the Borrower Requests (Status Browse) – Action Items field or in the Borrower Requests (Status Browse) – Items awaiting trading partner response field.
    • A browse list of all in-process ILL requests in the selected status category displays. The list is arranged alphabetically by title, and includes current status information.

Typical Status Browse List

Typical Status Browse List

  1. Click the Copyright Clearance Center icon Copyright Clearance Icon for the desired request.
    • The system accesses the Copyright Clearance Center and submits a search to the CCC database using the publication Title and ISBN or ISSN for the requested item.

      NOTE: If the CCC Username and CCC Password for your library’s Copyright Clearance Center account have been entered in the Participant Record for your library, the system automatically logs you into your library’s account when accessing the Copyright Clearance Center. See Maintaining Participant Records for more information.

    • The Copyright Clearance Center Advanced Search results screen displays in an additional browser window.

To access the CCC from a Full Record Display:

  1. Use Status Browse (see Using the Request Manager for details), Title Browse (see Browsing By Title), Patron Browse (see Browsing By Patron for details) or Request Number Search (see Searching By Request Number for details) to access the desired Full Record Display.

Typical Full Record Display

Typical Full Record Display

  1. Click the Copyright Clearance Center icon Copyright Clearance Icon for the desired request.
    • The system accesses the Copyright Clearance Center and submits a search to the CCC database using the publication Title and ISBN or ISSN for the requested item.

      NOTE: If the CCC Username and CCC Password for your library’s Copyright Clearance Center account have been entered in the Participant Record for your library, the system automatically logs you into your library’s account when accessing the Copyright Clearance Center. See Maintaining Participant Records for more information.

    • The Copyright Clearance Center Advanced Search results screen displays in an additional browser window.