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Importing a Master Participant Record

NOTE: The Lookup Master feature is available for “ISO Open” systems only. The Lookup Master feature is available only to Customer SuperUsers.

The Lookup Master feature lets you import the Master Participant Record for an external ISO trading partner (a trading partner outside the SHAREit system) from the master participant database into your consortium’s database. The Lookup Master feature is available from any Participant Record.

NOTE: Once imported, the record can be updated only by a Customer SuperUser.

To import a Master Participant Record:

  1. Access the Maintain Participant Record screen for any participant library.

Maintain Participant Record Screen

Maintain Participant Record Screen

  1. Click the Lookup Master button.
    • The Master Participant Lookup screen displays in an additional browser window. This list shows the Consortium Code, Library Code and Library Name for all Master Participant Records in the database.

Master Participant Lookup Screen

Master Participant Lookup Screen

  1. Click the Library Code for the participant you wish to import into your consortium’s database.
    • The confirmation message “Master participant data for (participant name) has been copied to your participant file. Close this window and click on "Search" to view the results.” displays.
  2. Click the Close button on the confirmation message to close the message and return to the previous Maintain Participant Record screen, with the library code of the imported participant entered in the Library Code text box.
  3. Click the Search button on the Maintain Participant Record screen to access the imported Master Participant record. The record may now be updated as desired (see Updating a Participant Record for details).

NOTE: Participant Records that have been imported using the Lookup Master feature include the notation “This library is included in the Master Participant list.” at the end of the External Communications field.