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Updating a Participant Record

NOTE: Depending on the specific configuration of SHAREit for your library or consortium, some options may not be available.

To update a participant record:

NOTE: If desired, use the Lender Info, Contact Info, Holiday List, ISO, Usernames, Related Info, Patron Notices, Staff Notices, NCIP C-ILL, SSO and URL Info buttons at the top of the screen to scroll to the desired section of the Participant Record.

NOTE: When editing a Participant Record, if you enter more than the maximum number of characters allowed in a given data field, an error dialog displays the message “The information in this field is too long” when you attempt to leave the field. Click the OK button on the message dialog, and edit the text as necessary.

NOTE: Help” buttons Help Button are displayed next to “section” headings on the Maintain Participant Record screen. Click a “Help” button to open a “popup” dialog with a brief description of the purpose of the section. Click the link in the “popup” to display detailed information for completing the Participant Record.

  1. Access the Participant Record you wish to update (see Viewing Participant Records for details).

    NOTE: Library staff, Library SuperUsers and Regional SuperUsers may view and update the Participant Record for their own library. Customer SuperUsers are able to view and update the Participant Record for any library in their consortium or collective.

  2. Enter and/or edit the appropriate participant information (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart for details).

    NOTE: The Library Name and Library Type are read-only fields. These values are managed through the PAC Administration module) (see the PAC Administration User Guide for details).

    • Enter the MARC Agency code assigned to the library by the Library of Congress in the Agency Code text box.
    • Enter the code designating the broker responsible for fulfilling ILL requests in the Broker Code text box.
    • Enter the number of business days within which the library will respond to ILL requests received as a lender in the Days to Respond text box.
    • Enter the library code for the lender to whom Reference Requests will be submitted in the Ref Request Default text box. When a Ref Request Default lender is specified, this option overrides the Reference Lender configured in the System Wide Record (see Viewing and Editing the System Wide Record for details).
    • Enter the number of calendar days it takes the participant library to send requested material to a borrower in the Days to Supply text box.
    • Enter the number of calendar days (including shipping days) a borrower can keep material before it must be back to the lender in the Days to Return text box.
    • When the Load Leveling Algorithm in the System Wide Record is set to Current Pending or Current Pending/Will Supply (see Viewing and Editing the System Wide Record for details), enter the maximum allowable number of requests for the Pending status or combined Pending and Will Supply/In Process statuses in the Maximum Pending Queue Size or Maximum Pending/Will Supply Queue Size text box, as appropriate.
      • When a new request to the library will result in exceeding the specified value, the library is bypassed, and the request is forwarded to the next library in the request Lender List. The bypassed library will begin receiving new requests when the request count for the Pending status or combined Pending and Will Supply/In Process statuses, as appropriate, falls below the specified value.
    • Use the Days Requests are Processed checkboxes to indicate the days of the week on which the library processes ILL requests.

      NOTE: Select the days on which the participant processes ILL requests (not the days on which the library is open) in the Days Requests are Processed field. For example, if a library is open Monday through Friday, but processes ILL requests only on Tuesday and Thursday, only the Tuesday and Thursday checkboxes should be selected.

      NOTE: Days Requests are Processed and the Holiday List are used so non-business days and holidays are not counted as business days when the system calculates due dates, days to respond and deadline dates.

    • Days are listed in calendar order from Monday (Mon) through Sunday (Sun).
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the ILL department is normally open on that day (excluding holidays).
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the ILL department is normally closed on that day.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Create or edit the Preferred Lender List for the participant (see Editing Lender Lists for details).
  4. For systems configured for network handling of ILL requests only: Create or edit the Network Lenders list for the participant (see Editing Lender Lists for details).
  5. For systems configured for ISSI (Inter-System Sharing Initiative) participation only: The read-only ISSI Participant? radio buttons indicate whether or not the associated library is an ISSI participant.
    • When the Yes radio button is selected, it indicates the associated library is an ISSI participant.
    • When the No radio button is selected, it indicates the associated library is not an ISSI participant.

    NOTE: Use the ISSI Configuration function to enable or disable the library for ISSI participation (see Configuring Library-Level ISSI Options for details).

  6. If desired, create or edit the Blocked Lenders list for the participant (see Editing Lender Lists for details).
  7. If desired, enter the codes assigned by Auto-Graphics for the libraries you wish to designate as the primary and secondary default lenders for the participant in the Primary Default Lender and Secondary Default Lender text boxes (see Processing ILL Requests as a Default Lender for more information).

    NOTE: Only those libraries identified as default lenders by your consortium’s Customer SuperUser can be specified as a Primary Default Lender or Secondary Default Lender. Libraries identified as default lenders cannot be added to the Preferred Lender List for any library.

    • The Primary Default Lender and Secondary Default Lender are appended to the end of the Lender List for all ILL requests generated through the system.

      NOTE: If you enter a code for a library that has not been identified as a default lender, an advisory message listing the default lenders displays when you update the Participant Record, and the invalid codes are not saved. Click the OK button to close the message, then re-enter a Primary Default Lender and Secondary Default Lender, as appropriate, selected from the list of default lenders.

      NOTE: If no default lenders have been identified for your consortium, an advisory message displays when you update the Participant Record. Click the OK button to close the message. You cannot add default lenders to the Participant Record at this time.

    • If you do not wish to specify default lenders, leave the Primary Default Lender and Secondary Default Lender text boxes blank.
  8. You may add notes about the participant library in the Notes text box.
    • These notes will generally contain information about the participant’s ILL policies.
  9. Use the Move Request with Vols Needed Note to Awaiting Approval radio buttons to indicate whether or not ILL requests that include Volumes Needed information should be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish ILL requests that include Volumes Needed information to be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish ILL requests that include Volumes Needed information to be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.
  10. Use the Allow Retry as Borrower radio buttons to indicate whether requests for which all lender provide a response indicating they are not currently able to supply the requested item will go to borrower’s Retry status or borrower’s Unfilled status.

    NOTE: The lender’s responses can be supplied either manually (by selecting Will Not Supply and providing a qualifying reason or by selecting Retry) or automatically by the system (in cases where the lender is “on holiday,” or where the lender’s item is not currently available and “lender skipped, retry later” is noted in ILL Request History).

    • Select the Yes radio button to place requests for which all lenders provided a response indicating they were not currently able to supply the requested item in Retry status.
    • Select the No radio button to place requests for which all lenders provided a response indicating they were not currently able to supply the requested item in Unfilled status.
  11. Use the Automatically resend requests in Retry radio buttons to indicate whether requests in Retry status should automatically be updated to Approve-Send by the system a specified number of days after being placed in Retry status.

    NOTE: This option is active ONLY when the Allow Retry as Borrower option is set to Yes. If the Allow Retry as Borrower option is set to No, the Automatically resend requests in Retry option is “read only,” and any previous settings for the option are ignored.

    • Select the Yes radio button to automatically update requests in Retry status to Approved – Send a specified number of days after being placed in Retry status.
      • An advisory dialog displays the message “The resend Retry request days must be between 1 and 30.” Click the OK button to close the advisory dialog.
    • Select the No radio button to require requests in Retry status to be updated manually to Approved – Send on a case-by-case basis.
  12. Use the If Yes, resend Retry requests after _____ days (1-30) field to indicate the number of days (from 1 to 30) after being placed in Retry status that a request is automatically placed in Approve-Send status by the system.

    NOTE: This field is shown ONLY when the Automatically resend requests in Retry option is active and is set to Yes.)

  13. Use The Access ILL Request checkboxes to indicate the User Types that will be granted access to ILL Request Forms according to the Show Blank ILL Form and Show Request This Button selections; Staff, Patrons, Institutional, IP Auth, IP Auth - Require Login, Guests, and/or Guests - Require Login, as applicable.

    NOTE: If the checkbox for a given User Type IS NOT selected, that User Type WILL NOT be granted access to ILL Request Forms regardless of the Show Blank ILL Form and Show Request This Button selections.

  14. Use the Show Blank ILL Form checkboxes to indicate the User Types for which the Blank ILL Request option will be shown on Search and Staff screens, Staff, Patrons, Institutional, IP Auth, IP Auth - Require Login, Guests, and/or Guests - Require Login, as applicable.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Blank ILL Request option will be shown for the associated User Type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Blank ILL Request option will not be shown for the associated User Type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: If the checkbox for a given User Type IS selected, but the Access ILL Request checkbox for the User Type IS NOT selected, the Blank ILL Form WILL NOT be available for the User Type.

  15. Use the Show Request This Button checkboxes to indicate the User Types for which the Request This Item button will be shown on Full Record Displays in the Search interface, Staff, Patrons, Institutional, IP Auth, IP Auth - Require Login, Guests, and/or Guests - Require Login, as applicable.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Request This Item button will be shown for the associated User Type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Request This Item button will not be shown for the associated User Type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

    NOTE: If the checkbox for a given User Type IS selected, but the Access ILL Request checkbox for the User Type IS NOT selected, the Request This Item button WILL NOT be available for the User Type.)

  16. Use the Show Availability to checkboxes to indicate the User Types for which Status (availability) will be shown in search results and on Full Record Displays in the Search interface, Staff, Patrons and/or Guests, as applicable.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates Status (availability) will be shown for the associated User Type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates Status (availability) will not be shown for the associated User Type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  17. If your consortium has enabled the optional “Mediated Patron Renewal Requests” feature, use the Uses Mediated Patron Renewal radio buttons to set your preference for availability of the mediated patron renewal functionality on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen:
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish mediated patron renewal request functionality to be available on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish mediated patron renewal request functionality to be available on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen.
      • When the mediated patron renewal request function is enabled, the Status field on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen for all items on initial loan to a patron includes an Ask For Renewal button, allowing the patron to request renewal for an item currently on loan.

        NOTE: The renewal request must be approved by the borrowing library prior to forwarding to the lending library.

  18. If your library has granted Patron Request Tracking privileges to library patrons, use the Show Item Due Date to Patron radio buttons to set your preference for display of due dates on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen or My Account - Items from Other Libraries screen and inclusion of due dates on printed bookstraps:
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish due dates to be displayed on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen and included on printed bookstraps.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish due dates to be displayed on the patron ILL Request Tracking screen or included on printed bookstraps.
      • When the Show Item Due Date to Patron feature is enabled, due dates for items received through interlibrary loan are shown in the Status field of the ILL Request Tracking screen or My Account - Items from Other Libraries screen and in the By this due date field on printed bookstraps.
      • For new requests: The due date is added to the ILL Request Tracking screen when the status for the item is set to Shipped by the lending library. The due date is calculated by adding the number of days specified in the Due __days from receipt or the Days to Return field on the Participant Record for the lender to the calendar date on which the status for the item was set to Received.
      • For renewal requests: The new due date for the item is added to the ILL Request Tracking screen when the status for the item is set to Accept Renewal by the lender. The due date is calculated by adding the number of days for which the initial loan was granted to either the calendar date on which the status for the item was set to Accept Renewal or to the original due date, depending on the Calculate Renewed to Date selection.
      • If desired, use the Patron’s due date is __ days prior to lender’s due date text box to offset the due date displayed to the patron by the specified number of days. For example, if the lending library’s due date is March 10, and a value of “4” is entered, a due date of March 6 will be shown to the patron. This function is generally used to ensure material is returned by the patron with sufficient time remaining to return the material to the lending library by the due date. The default value for the Patron’s due date is __ days prior to lender’s due date is “0.”
      • Use the Use Holiday List in Calculating Patron's Due Date radio buttons to indicate whether library holidays should be included or excluded when determining the patrons due date. Select the Yes radio button to include holidays (the patron's due date is extended by one day for each holiday that occurs during the loan period). Select the No radio button to exclude holidays (the patron's due date is not extended when a holiday occurs during the loan period).
  19. If your library has enabled the optional “Patron Willingness to Pay Message” feature, use the Show Patron Willingness To Pay Message radio buttons to set your preference for display of the “patron willingness to pay” message on the patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish the “patron willingness to pay” message to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish the “patron willingness to pay” message to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
  20. If the Show Patron Willingness To Pay option is set to Yes, the Patron’s Payment Options field displays when your changes to the Participant Record are submitted. If desired, create a list of Patron’s Payment Options for the library (see Managing Patron’s Payment Options for details).
  21. If your library uses NCIP messaging, use the Blank Request – Disable NCIP Function radio buttons to indicate whether or not NCIP messaging is disabled for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.

    NOTE: This function is controlled by the Participant Record of the library updating the request. When a request is created, the Blank Request – Disable NCIP Function feature pertains to the borrower, and is controlled by the borrower's Participant Record. When request status is updated, the Blank Request – Disable NCIP Function feature pertains to the library that is making the update (borrower or lender) and the feature is controlled by the updating library's Participant Record.

    • Select the Yes radio button to disable NCIP messaging for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.
    • Select the No radio button to enable NCIP messaging for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.
  22. Use the Blank Request – Disable Availability radio buttons to indicate whether or not availability checking is disabled for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.
    • Select the Yes radio button to disable availability checking for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.
    • Select the No radio button to enable availability checking for ILL requests originated using the Blank Request Form.
  23. Use the Send Blank ILL Request without Lender List To radio buttons to indicate the status in which Blank ILL Requests (created by library patrons) and ILL requests created using the optional OpenILL feature (from an external site) that do not include at least one lender in the Lender List will be placed.
    • Select the Awaiting Approval radio button to place Blank ILL Requests without a Lender List in Awaiting Approval status.
    • Select the ILL Review radio button to place Blank ILL Requests without a Lender List in ILL Review status.
  24. Use the Is this library a default lender radio buttons to indicate whether or not the library is a default lender.

    NOTE: The Is this library a default lender options are available to Customer SuperUsers only.

    • Select the Yes radio button if the library is a default lender.
    • Select the No radio button if the library is not a default lender.
  25. Use the Display History Information radio buttons to specify the order in which history information is shown in the History Information field on ILL Request Full Record Displays.
    • Select the Oldest First radio button to display History Information in chronological order (oldest entry first).
    • Select the Newest First radio button to display History Information in reverse chronological order (newest entry first).
  26. Use the Calculate Renewed to Date radio buttons to specify how the system will calculate the “renewed to” date when a renewal request for an item on loan through ILL by your library is accepted.
    • Select the Add to original due date radio button to calculate the “renewed to” date from the original due date.
    • Select the Add to Accept Renewal date radio button to calculate the “renewed to” date from the date on which the status of the request was updated to Accept Renewal.
  27. Use the "Any Edition is Acceptable" Checked as default radio buttons to configure the default value for the Any Edition is Acceptable checkbox on the ILL Request Form and Blank Request Form.
    • Select the Yes radio button to set the default value for the Any Edition is Acceptable checkbox to selected.
    • Select the No radio button to set the default value for the Any Edition is Acceptable checkbox to unselected.
  28. Use the Customer Field 6 on Request Form Checked as default radio buttons to set the default state for the Customer Field 6 checkbox when included on the ILL Request Form or Blank Request Form.
    • Select the Yes radio button to set the default state of the Customer Field 6 checkbox to selected.
    • Select the No radio button to set the default state of the Customer Field 6 checkbox to unselected.
  29. Use the Shipping Label Default radio buttons to set the default selection for the Include menu on the Maintain Shipping Labels screen; select Shipped Status Only or Both Shipped and Returned, as desired.
  30. Use the Hide patron data on shipping labels radio buttons to indicate whether or not patron data configured for inclusion on Borrower - Item labels is included on printed labels (see Configuring Shipping Labels (for library staff) or Configuring Shipping Labels (for Customer SuperUsers) for additional information).
    • Select the Yes radio button to exclude patron data from printed shipping labels.
    • Select the No radio button to include patron data on printed shipping labels.
  31. Use the Move Request with Patron Note to Awaiting Approval radio buttons to indicate whether or not ILL requests that include Patron Notes should be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish ILL requests that include Patron Notes to be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish ILL requests that include Patron Notes to be forced to the Awaiting Approval status.

    NOTE: In cases where Show Patron Note to Lenders is set to No (see step 32), Move Request with Patron Note to Awaiting Approval is set to Yes by default and is “read only.”

  32. Use the Show Patron Note to Lenders radio buttons to indicate whether Patron’s Notes (when included in an ILL request) are visible to the lender in the lender’s Full Record Display for the request.
    • Select the Yes radio button to enable display of Patron’s Notes in lender’s Full Record Displays.
    • Select the No radio button to disable display of the Patron’s Notes in lender’s Full Record Displays.

    NOTE: In cases where Show Patron Note to Lenders is set to No, Move Request with Patron Note to Awaiting Approval (see step 31) is set to Yes by default and is “read only.”

  33. Use the Display [ILL Lender] to Patrons/Guests radio buttons to indicate whether or not the [ILL Lender] indicator is displayed in Locations information for library patrons and guests.
    • Select the Yes radio button to enable display of the [ILL Lender] indicator.
    • Select the No radio button to disable display of the [ILL Lender] indicator.
  34. Use the Allow patrons to change need by date radio buttons to indicate whether or not patrons can change the default Need By date when preparing and submitting ILL requests.
    • Select the Yes radio button to allow patrons to change the default Need By date.
    • Select the No radio button to prohibit patrons from changing the default Need By date.
  35. Use the Allow patrons to change pickup location radio buttons to enable or disable display of the Pickup Location Options menu on ILL Request Forms and the Blank Request Form for library patrons granted the Change Pickup Location permission in ILL Permissions for their user account (see the User Administration User Guide for details).
    • Select the Yes radio button to allow patrons to change the default Pickup Location.
    • Select the No radio button to prohibit patrons from changing the default Pickup Location.

    NOTE: For systems employing Network Lender functionality, this option must be enabled to allow library patrons granted the Change Pickup Location permission in ILL Permissions for their user account to change the pickup location specified in the Borrower menu.

  36. Use the Participate in Patron Lookup Tool radio buttons to indicate whether or not the participant will be included in the system’s implementation of the Patron Lookup Tool.
    • Select the Yes radio button if the participant will be included in the system’s implementation of the Patron Lookup Tool.
    • Select the No radio button if the participant will not be included in the system’s implementation of the Patron Lookup Tool.

    NOTE: This field is applicable only to systems utilizing the optional “Patron Lookup Tool” functionality.

  37. Use the Number of copies default – Multi Copy Form text box to specify the default value shown in the Number of Copies Needed (over 1 creates multiple requests) text box on the multi-copy ILL Request Form.
    • Enter the desired number of copies in the Number of copies default – Multi Copy Form text box.

    NOTE: You may enter a value from 1 to 999 copies in the __ Number of copies default – Multi Copy Form text box. If you do not wish to specify a default value, leave the Number of copies default – Multi Copy Form text box blank.

  38. Use the Number of copies default – Blank Request Form text box to specify the default value shown in the Number of Copies Needed (over 1 creates multiple requests) text box on the multi-copy ILL Request Form.
    • Enter the desired number of copies in the Number of copies default – Blank Request Form text box..

    NOTE: You may enter a value from 1 to 999 copies in the __ Number of copies default – Blank Request Form text box. If you do not wish to specify a default value, leave the Number of copies default – Blank Request Form text box blank.

  39. Use the Number of lenders to print per request options to specify the number of lenders to be included on printed requests when printed from a Status Browse List using the Print All – With Lenders printing option, or when printed from a Full Record Display.
    • To specify a fixed number of lenders to be included on printed requests, select the (1-999) radio button, then enter the desired number of lenders in the associated text box.

      NOTE: You may enter a value from 1 to 999 lenders in the __ (1-999) text box.

    • To include all lenders in the Lender List on printed requests, select the All radio button.
  40. Use the Set Default Need-by Date text box to specify the number of days added to the calendar date on which an ILL request is prepared and submitted to determine the default “Need By” date for the request.
    • Enter the desired number of days in the __ Days from Date of Request text box.

    NOTE: You may enter a value from 1 to 365 days in the __ Days from Date of Request text box. The default value for the __ Days from Date of Request text box is 90.

  41. Use the Set Minimum Need-by Date text box to specify the number of days added to the calendar date on which an ILL request is prepared and submitted to determine the minimum “Need By” date for the request.
    • Enter the desired number of days in the __ Days from Date of Request text box.

    NOTE: You may enter a value from 1 to 365 days in the __ Days from Date of Request text box. The default value for the __ Days from Date of Request text box is 0.

    NOTE: When the Allow patrons to change need by date option is enabled, patrons are prevented from entering a Need By date that is earlier than the specified minimum date.

  42. Use the Enable checking for duplicate requests radio buttons to indicate whether or not the system will perform a check for currently active ILL requests for the same title by the patron submitting the request.
    • Select the Yes radio button to enable checking for duplicate requests.
    • Select the No radio button to disable checking for duplicate requests.

    NOTE: When the Enable checking for duplicate requests option is enabled, an advisory message is displayed when a patron submits a duplicate ILL request, and the duplicate request is discarded.

  43. Use the Time Zone Adjustment (in hours) text box to specify the number of hours difference between the time zone in which your library is located and the Pacific Time Zone.
  44. If your library has enabled the optional “Owned by This Library Notification” feature, use the Show Owned By This Library Notification Message radio buttons to set your preference for display of the “owned by this library” message when accessing patron and staff ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish the “owned by this library” message to be displayed when accessing patron and staff ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish the “owned by this library” message to be displayed when accessing patron and staff ILL Request Forms.
    • When the “owned by this library” message is enabled:
      • o When a library patron or staff member selects the Request This Item button on the Full Record Display for an item owned by the library under which the user logged in, an advisory dialog displays the message “The item you’re requesting is owned by your library. Please check on its availability before submitting this request.”
      • When a library patron or staff member with or without Automatic Approval permission submits an ILL request for an item owned by the library under which the user logged in, an Owned By Your Library  is displayed next to the request in the Awaiting Approval Status Browse List, and the Full Record Display for the request includes the message “Note: This item is owned by your library” at the top left side of the screen.
  45. If your consortium or collective is configured for network handling of ILL requests, use the Enable Network Availability Checking radio buttons to enable or disable network availability checking for ILL requests.
    • Select the Yes radio button to enable network availability checking.
    • Select the No radio button to disable network availability checking.

    NOTE: When the Enable Network Availability Checking – Yes radio button is selected and an ILL request is received for an item owned by the local library or a library within the network, the ILL request is handled in accordance with the selected Handling Method if Local System Owns option.

    • When the Enable Network Availability Checking – Yes radio button is selected, use the Handling Method if Local System Owns options to set the handling method in cases where an ILL request is received for an item owned by the local library or a library within the network as desired:
      • Do Not Place Hold – Indicates the ILL request will not be processed and a hold for the item will not be placed. Enter the message to be displayed to the patron in such cases in the associated Configure message text text box.
      • Pass to Catalog – Indicates the ILL request will not be processed and the patron submitting the request will be directed to the catalog specified by the URL in the associated text box to perform a search for the desired title. Enter the message to be displayed to the patron in such cases in the associated Configure message text text box.
      • Pass to Record in Catalog – Indicates the ILL request will not be processed and the patron submitting the request will be directed to the bibliographic record in the catalog specified by the URL in the associated text box. Enter the message to be displayed to the patron in such cases in the associated Configure message text text box.
      • Place Hold Using NCIP – Indicates that a hold for the requested item will be placed through NCIP with the network library owning the title. Enter the message to be displayed to the patron in such cases in the associated Configure message text text box.
    • Use the Stop Request if not available radio buttons to set the desired action in cases where a title requested through interlibrary loan is owned by a network library but is not currently available.
      • Select the Yes radio button to cancel the ILL request. Enter the message to be displayed to the patron in such cases in the associated Configure message text text box.
      • Select the No radio button to accept the request for processing.
  46. Use the Display Disclaimer Notice to Patrons radio buttons to set your preference for display of a Patron Disclaimer Notice on patron ILL Request Forms.

    NOTE: The Patron Disclaimer Notice allows you to add a locally-defined message or “disclaimer” note for display to patrons when submitting an ILL request.

    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish a Patron Disclaimer Notice to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish a Patron Disclaimer Notice to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Enter the desired text for the patron notice in the Text of the Notice text box.

      NOTE: The Text of the Notice text box is available only if the Display Disclaimer Notice to Patrons option is set to Yes. The text of the Patron Disclaimer Notice can be a maximum of 300 characters, including spaces.

  47. Use the Display ILL Status Notice radio buttons to set your preference for display of an ILL Status Notice on patron ILL Request Forms.

    NOTE: The ILL Status Notice allows you to add a locally-defined message or note regarding ILL status for display to patrons when submitting an ILL request.

    • Select the Yes radio button if you do wish an ILL Status Notice to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Select the No radio button if you do not wish an ILL Status Notice to be displayed on patron ILL Request Forms.
    • Enter the desired text for the patron notice in the Text of the Notice text box.

      NOTE: The Text of the Notice text box is available only if the Display ILL Status Notice option is set to Yes. The text of the ILL Status Notice can be a maximum of 300 characters, including spaces.

  48. Enter or edit address information for the participant, as appropriate:
    • Enter the street address of the library in the Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Province and ZIP/Postal Code fields.

      NOTE: The Address 1, Address 2, City, State/Province and ZIP/Postal Code fields are read only field. These values are managed through the PAC Administration module) (see the PAC Administration User Guide for details).

      NOTE: The Country field is a read-only field. This value is supplied by the system.

    • Enter the shipping name and address for the library in the Ship To Name, Ship To Address 1, Ship To Address 2, Ship To City, Ship To State/Province and Ship To ZIP/Postal Code fields.

      NOTE: The Ship To Country field is a read-only field. This value is supplied by the system.

      NOTE: Enter a shipping name and address only if different from the library name and street address.

    • Enter any general information related to pickup/delivery times for common carriers used in shipping ILL materials in the Route Schedule text box.
  49. Enter contact information for the primary ILL contact in the Contact 1 fields:
    • Select ILL Contact from the Contact Type menu.
    • Enter the name of the staff member responsible for managing ILL activities for the library in the ILL Contact Name text box.
    • Enter the title of the staff member responsible for managing ILL activities for the library in the ILL Contact Title text box.
    • Enter the telephone number used to reach the library for general matters related to ILL in the ILL Phone Number: General text box.
    • Enter the telephone number used to reach the library for matters related to borrowing issues in the ILL Phone Number: Borrowing text box.
    • Enter the telephone number used to reach the library for matters related to lending issues in the ILL Phone Number: Lending text box.
    • Enter the telephone number used to reach the staff member entered in the ILL Contact Name field in the ILL Phone Number: Contact text box.
    • Enter the email address used to reach the library for matters related to ILL in the ILL Email Address text box.

      NOTE: Information entered in the ILL Email text box will serve as a link to automatically open an e-mail composition window with the appropriate address pre-filled by the system. Be sure to enter a properly formatted email address in the ILL Email text box; i.e., “”

    • Enter the fax number used to reach the library for matters related to ILL in the ILL FAX Number text box.
    • Enter the Ariel address used to reach the library for matters related to ILL in the Ariel Address text box. Include a space or semi-colon between multiple Ariel addresses.
    • If desired, create a list of Pickup Locations for the library (see Managing ILL Pickup Locations for details).

      NOTE: If the ILL Request Form and/or Blank Request Form for your library are configured to include the Pickup Location Options menu (see Configuring ILL Request Forms or Configuring the Default ILL Request Forms for details), you MUST include at least one pickup location in the ILL Pickup Locations list in the Participant Record for your library or the Pickup Location Options menu WILL NOT display on the request form(s).

      NOTE: These locations are not used if the Network Lenders list is active.

    • If desired, create a list of Shipping Options for the library (see Managing Shipping Options for details).
  50. If desired, enter information for additional contacts in the Contact 2 and Contact 3 fields:
    • Select the appropriate contact type from the Contact Type menu; ILL Contact, Director Contact, Technical Contact, Billing Contact or Other Contact.
    • Enter the name of the contact in the Contact (#) Name text box.
    • Enter the title of the contact in the Contact (#) Title text box.
    • Enter the telephone number for the contact in the Contact (#) Phone Number text box.
    • Enter the email address used to reach the contact in the Contact (#) Email Address text box.

      NOTE: Information entered in the Contact (#) Email Address text box will serve as a link to automatically open an e-mail composition window with the appropriate address pre-filled by the system. Be sure to enter a properly formatted email address in the Contact (#) Email Address text box; i.e., “”

    • Enter the fax number used to reach the contact in the Contact (#) FAX Number text box.
  51. Create a Holiday List for the participant.

    NOTE: The Holiday List and Days Requests are Processed are used so non-business days and holidays are not counted as business days when the system calculates due dates, deadline dates, etc. Holidays should be entered in the list only when the holiday falls on a business day (a day when the library would normally be open). For example, if the library is not normally open on Sunday, you would not need to enter the Easter holiday in the Holiday List.

    NOTE: If a request arrives at a lender that is currently on holiday, the lender is “skipped,” and the request is forwarded to the next lender in the Lender List. The History note indicates a date after which the borrower may try again. If a lender is skipped and the configuration of the Allow Retry as Borrower option in borrower’s Participant Record is set to Yes (see Participant Record Data Fields Chart and Updating a Participant Record for more information), the request will appear in the Retry status if there are no other lenders in the Lender List. If the configuration of the Allow Retry as Borrower option in borrower’s Participant Record is set to No, the request will be placed in Unfilled status.

    • The Holiday List field on the Maintain Participant Record screen consists of 15 pairs of text boxes.

Holiday List

Holiday List

IMPORTANT NOTE! The system deletes dates from the Holiday List once the holiday has passed. Customer SuperUsers or library staff should update the Holiday List annually at the beginning of the year and enter holidays for the new year. This is particularly critical for the Participant Records for external ISO trading partners, as these libraries do not have access to the system. You may enter dates either across a row or down a column.

  1. If necessary, enter External Communications Information (see Setting Up External Trading Partners for details).
  2. If necessary, enter the library’s Usernames and Passwords in the OCLC Code, OCLC Authorization, OCLC Password, CCC Username, CCC Password, FedEx User ID, FedEx Password, UPS User ID, UPS Password and CISTI Account text boxes.

    NOTE: Linking directly to the FedEx and UPS web sites to track packages is not currently enabled, but is reserved for implementation in a future release.

  3. Indicate the general policies for the participant by selecting the appropriate Yes or No radio buttons for the following Other Related Information fields, and include any explanatory information in the associated Explanation text boxes:
    • Is the Library Open to the Public?
    • Allow Borrow Material in Person
    • Allow Borrow Material through ILL
  4. Enter the normal business hours for the library in the Hours Library Open text box. If necessary, indicate any exception(s) to the normal operating hours in the Exceptions to Library Hours Open text box.
  5. If desired, use the Patron Notification Set-up fields to create up to five patron notification messages for ILL requests (see Patron Notification Set-up for details).
  6. Use the Staff Notification Set-Up fields to configure email preferences for Borrower emails and Lender emails (see Staff Notification Set-Up for details).
  7. If necessary, edit NCIP C-ILL Communication Parameters.

    NOTE: NCIP C-ILL Communication Parameters are available only for systems utilizing the option Circ-ILL functionality. Certain information in this section is supplied automatically by the system and should not be edited or modified locally except under direction of Auto-Graphics.

  8. If the participant uses Single Sign-On functionality for authenticated access, enter the appropriate SSO values and parameters (see Configuring Single Sign-On (SSO) Functionality for details).
  9. Enter the URL for the library’s Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) in the Library Catalog(URL) text box.
  10. If the library maintains a Home Page, enter the URL in the Library Homepage(URL) text box.
  11. Enter the hours during which the library is open for ILL activities in the ILL hours open text box.
  12. If desired, enter directions for locating the library in the Directions text box.
  13. Enter the Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) for the library’s related online resources in the appropriate text boxes:
    • If the library maintains a page providing a map or driving directions, enter the URL in the Directions (URL) text box.
    • If the library maintains a page detailing policies, rules, and/or regulations, enter the URL in the Regulations (URL) text box.
    • If the library maintains a page for distributing messages or announcements related to library or ILL activities, enter the URL(s) in the System Message (URL) and ILL Message (URL) text box(es), as appropriate.
    • If the library maintains a “Help” page for library or ILL services, enter the URL(s) in the ILL Help Page (URL) and Library Help Page (URL) text box(es), as appropriate.

      NOTE: The system prefills the prefix http://.

      • When you enter a URL in the ILL Help Page (URL) text box, a Customer Help button is shown on the patron Blank Request Form and patron ILL Request Form. Clicking the Customer Help button opens the specified URL in an additional browser window.
  14. If desired, enter Lending Policies for the library (see Entering Lending Policies for details).
  15. If desired, enter Borrowing Policies for the library (see Entering Borrowing Policies for details).
  16. If desired, enter Shipping Policies for the library (see Entering Shipping Policies for details).
  17. If desired, enter ILL Acceptance Policies for the library (see Entering ILL Acceptance Policies for details).
  18. If desired, enter Copies Policies for the library (see Entering Copies Policies for details).
  19. Select the data you wish to be shown in the patron display (see Configuring the Patron Display for details).
  20. Click the Submit button to submit your changes to the Participant Record.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Are you sure you want to make changes to the participant record for library code (library code)?”
  21. Click the OK button to save your changes to the Participant Record. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and leave the Participant Record unchanged.)
    • The message “Successfully updated Participant record!” displays at the top of the screen.

    NOTE: If you enter improperly formatted information in the Participant Record, an advisory dialog displays, identifying the information that requires correction. Click the OK button on the advisory dialog to close the dialog, make the necessary corrections, then click the Submit button again.

  22. If you have Customer SuperUser permissions, you may update additional participant records by repeating steps 1 through 66, above.