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Introduction - Overview

This User Guide is designed to provide a working understanding of the features and functions of ILL Administration. ILL Administration is an online application that provides library administration and staff members with the means to generate, track, and process interlibrary loan requests between trading partners within and outside of their library’s consortium.

ILL Administration features and functions are divided into four categories: Status Browse, Lender, Borrower, and System Administration. Status Browse lets you process and track all active and completed interlibrary loan requests for your library (both as a borrower and as a lender). Borrower functions let you create, process and track interlibrary loan requests your library has submitted to other libraries. Lender functions let you process and track interlibrary loan requests your library has received from other libraries. System Administration functions allow Library Superusers and Customer SuperUsers to configure ILL Request Forms and Full Record Displays, and to generate and maintain participant (lender institution) and System Wide records.

The system maintains historical data related to the processing of interlibrary loan requests. Library staff can recall this data through the Statistics module (see the Statistics User Guide for details). Analysis of the statistical data can be used to assess the efficiency with which interlibrary loan requests are processed.

Using ILL Administration, library staff can:

Using ILL Administration, Library SuperUsers and Customer SuperUsers can: