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Patron Notification Set-up

The Patron Notification Set-up section of the Maintain Participant Record screen lets you create up to five messages intended to notify library patrons of the current status of their ILL requests. Each notice is configured with a default set of fields (and associated field codes) for text that is extracted by the system from the ILL request for which the notification is generated. This text can be customized as desired. See Notification Field Codes for a full list of available field codes.

Each notice is associated with a selected ILL status. When an ILL request enters a status category for which a patron notification message exists, the system automatically sends the associated message to the email address specified when the ILL request was generated. If a patron’s User Record contains an email address, but the address is not transferred to the ILL Request Form, email notification will not be sent.

To set up patron notification messages:

  1. Select the ILL status for which you wish a message to be sent from the first ILL Status menu.
    • Patron notification messages can be created for the Pending, Received – no attachments, Received with attachments, Recalled, Overdue, Returned, Unfilled, Cancelled, Accepted Renewal, Rejected Renewal, Conditional, Need by Expired and Retry status categories only.
  2. If desired, you can delete one or more default fields (and associated field codes) from an E-Mail text field if you do not wish the content to be included in the patron notification message.
  3. Enter the text for the patron notification message in the first E-Mail Text field.
    • The E-Mail Text can be a maximum of 1400 characters, including spaces.
    • A character counter is provided to indicate the number of available characters remaining.
  4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 using the remaining ILL Status menus and associated E-Mail Text fields to create additional patron notification messages, as desired.
  5. Enter the “Subject line” text to be included in each patron notification message in the Email Notice Subject text box.
  6. Enter the “From” name to be included in each patron notification message in the Email Notice from Name text box.
  7. Enter the “From” address to be included in each patron notification message in the Email Notice from Address text box.
  8. If you wish “courtesy copies” of patron notification messages to be sent to another individual, enter the email address to which the copies should be sent in the CC Email Address (optional) text box.

NOTE: If you have entered patron notification setup parameters in one or more ILL Status menus and E-Mail Text fields, but have not entered values in the Email Notice Subject, Email Notice from Name and/or Email Notice from Address text boxes, an advisory dialog displays the message “Please enter text in the following fields: (required fields)” when you Update the Participant Record. If you do wish to complete the patron notification setup, click the OK button on the advisory message, enter values for the required fields, then click the Update button to save your changes. If you do not wish to complete the patron notification setup, click the Cancel button on the advisory message. Menu selections and text for all ILL Status menus and E-Mail Text fields will be cleared.