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Searching By Request Number

The system automatically assigns a Request Number to each ILL request generated by all borrowers in the consortium. Depending on the activity in the consortium, a borrower’s requests may not have sequential numbers. Once the ILL request has been created, the Request Number is shown on the Full Record Display for that request. You can use the Request Number to locate the Full Record Display for any ILL request received by your library as a lender.

NOTE: Customer SuperUsers can perform a “global” Request Number search across all libraries in a consortium or collective. See Global Request Search for details.

To perform a Request Number search:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Lender - Request Number Search.
    • The Lender Request Number Search screen displays.

Lender’s Request Number Search Screen

Lender’s Request Number Search Screen

  1. Enter the Request Number assigned by the system in the Request Number text box. (To clear the contents of the Request Number text box, click the Reset button.)

    NOTE: You must enter a complete Request Number.

  2. Click the Submit button.
    • If the Request Number search is successful:
      • The Full Record for the request displays.
    • If the Request Number search is unsuccessful:
      • The message “Request Number not found” displays. Click Go Back to return to the Request Number Search screen.
      • Re-enter the Request Number, then click the Submit button.

        NOTE: If you enter a Request Number for a request you have submitted as a borrower, the system returns the message “Request not found.”