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Setting a Default Pickup Location

If the ILL Request Form includes a Pickup Location Options menu, you must select a pickup location each time you submit an ILL request. If desired, you can specify a default pickup location for the patron account for which the request is being placed.

NOTE: The Set Default Pickup Location button is not active until a patron has been selected.

To set a default pickup location:

  1. Access the Blank Request Form (see Using the Blank Request Form for details) or ILL Request Form for the desired title (see Using the ILL Request Form for details).
  2. Use the Patron Lookup function to locate and select the desired patron.
  3. Select the desired pickup location for the request from the Pickup Location Options menu.

    NOTE: For systems employing Network Lender functionality, the pickup location is selected from the Borrower menu.

  4. Click the Set Default Pickup Location button to save your selection.
    • The message “Default pickup location updated” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
    • For future requests, the specified pickup location will be selected by default.

NOTE: You can specify a new default pickup location for the patron at any time using steps 1 through 4 above.