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Using the ILL Request Form

The ILL Request Form lets you prepare and submit an ILL request from a specific bibliographic record. The Request this item icon Request This Item Button is found on Brief Browse Lists. The Request This Item button is found on Full Record Displays. Bibliographic information from that record is entered automatically at the top of the form. The system uses the current calendar date as the request date.

NOTE: For “electronic content” records, display of the Request This Item button is suppressed. To support cases where a library may wish to copy or print articles or chapters from “electronic content” titles to supply to a patron as “hard copy,” the Staff Function menu on the Full Record Displays for such titles includes a Request This Item option to support such requests.

NOTE: Fields identified by a red asterisk (*) are mandatory and must be filled in. All other fields are optional.

To prepare the ILL Request Form:

  1. Access a Brief Browse List containing the desired item or the Full Record Display for the desired item.
  2. Click the Request this item icon Request This Item Button (from a Brief Browse List) or the Request This Item button (from a Full Record Display) for the title you wish to borrow.

    NOTE: The Request this item icon Request This Item Button may not be available for items of certain formats or materials types.

    NOTE: If the item being requested is a serial or periodical, a “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement when submitting a copy request. Click the Yes button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the request. Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the request.

Copyright Confirmation Message

Copyright Confirmation Message

  1. When the search for ILL lenders is complete:

    NOTE: For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the Select a Patron screen displays (see Using Select a Patron (SHAREit/SIP2 Authentication) for details). The desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.

    NOTE: For systems utilizing optional NCIP (with enhanced lookup) functionality, the SHAREit Lookup screen displays (see Using Enhanced NCIP Lookup for details). The desired patron must be located before the request form is displayed.

    • The ILL Request Form displays.

ILL Request Form

ILL Request Form

NOTE: If the title you wish to borrow is owned by your library (the library under which you logged in) and your library has enabled “owned by this library” notification, an advisory dialog displays the message “The item you’re requesting is owned by your library. Please check on its availability before submitting this request.” Click the Continue button to continue submitting the request, or, click the Cancel button to cancel the request and check to see if the item you wish to borrow is currently available at your library.

  1. Select the desired request type:
    • Click the Returnable (loan) link at the top of the form for a borrow request.
    • Click the Non-Returnable (copy) link at the top of the form for a photocopy request.

      NOTE: If you select Non-Returnable (copy) as the request type, a “Copyright Confirmation” message displays. You must acknowledge (accept) the Copyright Statement when submitting a copy request. Click the Yes button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to accept the Copyright Statement and continue with the request. Click the Cancel button on the “Copyright Confirmation” message to cancel the request.

Copyright Confirmation Message

Copyright Confirmation Message

  1. Enter the required information in the form fields (see ILL Request Form Fields for more information). Use the Patron Lookup function (see Using Patron Lookup (SHAREit Authentication only) for details) to select the patron for whom the request will be placed.

    NOTE: The Patron Lookup function is available only for systems utilizing the User Administration module as the only means to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality or the optional NCIP (with enhanced lookup) functionality, the patron is selected before the request form is displayed (see step 3).

    • If your library has enabled ILL Request Limits, and the selected patron has reached the specified ILL Request Limit, an advisory dialog displays the message “(patron name) has exceeded their ILL request limit of (request limit). Do you want to override the limit and proceed with the request?”
      • Click the OK button to override the limit and proceed with the request.
      • Click the Cancel button to cancel the request.

      NOTE: If you DO NOT have permission to override ILL request limits the message “(patron name) has exceeded their ILL request limit of (request limit).” Click the Cancel button to cancel the request.

    • If the selected patron’s account is expired, or has been disabled, an advisory dialog displays the message “The account for (patron name) has (expired / been disabled / expired and been disabled). Do you want to proceed with the request?”
      • Click the Yes button to proceed with the request.
      • Click the No button to cancel the request and cancel the request and close the ILL Request Form. The message “Request Closed” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  2. Click the Submit button to submit the ILL request.
    • If your interlibrary loan request is unsuccessful:
      • If you enter incomplete information in the ILL Request Form, a message dialog displays indicating the required information.
      • Click the OK button on the message dialog to return to the ILL Request Form. Enter the required information and click the Submit button to resubmit the request.
    • If your interlibrary loan request is successful:
      • A confirmation dialog displays.

ILL Request Confirmation Screen

ILL Request Confirmation Screen