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ILL Request Form Fields

The following table lists all available fields for the ILL Request Form and Blank Request Form in alphabetic order, and provides instructions for completing each field.

NOTE: The default ILL Request form fields are established by Customer SuperUser for your consortium or collective. The specific content and arrangement of the ILL Request Form and Blank Request Form for your library are established by your Library SuperUser. Some fields may not be included in the request forms for your library. Additionally, your library may use alternate names for some fields.

ILL Request Form Fields

Form Field Description
Any Edition is Acceptable (checkbox) Use this field to indicate whether or not an edition of the title other than the edition specified may be supplied when filling the request. A checkmark checkmark indicates any edition may be supplied when filling the request. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that only the edition specified may be supplied when filling the request. Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off. The default state of the Any Edition is Acceptable checkbox is established in the Participant Record for your library. This field is applicable to Returnable (loan) requests only.

The Any Edition is Acceptable field is informational only. It does not affect the lender build process, or aid in determining whether or not a request should be forwarded to a specific lender.

Article Author (text box) Enter the name of the article’s author. This field is applicable to Non-Returnable (copy) requests only.
Article Date (text box / drop-down menus) Enter the year of publication for the article in the Year text box. Use the Month / Season and Day menus to select the appropriate values for the Article Date. The publication Year is mandatory; the Month / Season and Day fields are optional. This field is applicable to Non-Returnable (copy) requests only.
Article Information (Volume, Issue, Pages) (text boxes) Enter the Volume number and Issue number, as appropriate, of the publication containing the requested article, and enter the Pages you wish copied. The Pages field is mandatory; the Volume and Issue fields are optional. This field is applicable to Non-Returnable (copy) requests only.
Article Title (text box) Enter the title of the article to be copied. This field is applicable to Non-Returnable (copy) requests only.
Author/Creator (text box) Enter the name of the author or creator of the requested title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system.
Borrower (read-only field / drop-down menu) This field shows the library code and name of your library. For systems employing Network Lender functionality, this field includes a drop-down menu for selection of the appropriate pickup location for the request (for users granted Change Pickup Location permission) or shows the name of the library under which the user logged in (for users NOT granted Change Pickup Location permission).
Borrower’s Notes (text box) Enter any text or other instructions meant for the lending library. Borrower’s Notes may be 500 characters maximum, including spaces.
Customer Field 1 Content for the Customer Field 1 is locally defined.
Customer Field 2 Content for the Customer Field 2 is locally defined.
Customer Field 3 Content for the Customer Field 3 is locally defined.
Customer Field 4 Content for the Customer Field 4 is locally defined.
Customer Field 5 Content for the Customer Field 5 is locally defined.
Customer Field 6 (checkbox) Content for the Customer Field 6 (checkbox) is locally defined.
Edition (text box) Enter the edition of the requested title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Internal Staff Note Enter any information, instructions or other text intended for viewing by local ILL staff (this field is not visible to trading partners).
ISBN (text box) Enter the International Standard Book Number (ISBN) for the requested title, if appropriate. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
ISSN (text box) Enter the International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for the requested title, if appropriate. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Lender List (text box) Enter at least one lender in the Lender List; on separate lines. Include the Library Code, days to respond and call number for each library to which you wish to submit the request. Separate the Library Code, days to respond, call number and System Number with commas; do not include spaces. If desired, you can use the Locate Lender function to add lenders to the Lender List. The Library Code for at least one lender is mandatory. All other information is optional. When entering a Library Code only, a comma following the code is not necessary. See Special Considerations when Editing the Lender List for more information. The Lender List is not included on the initial request form for systems using SSS.
Library of Congress Control Number (text box) Enter the Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN) for the requested title, if appropriate. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Material Bibliographic Level Options (drop-down menu) Select the desired material type for the requested item. (For Returnable (loan) requests, Book is the default selection for this field. For Non-Returnable (copy) requests, Serial is the default selection for this field.)
Material Format Options (drop-down menu) Select the desired material format for the requested item. (None of the below is the default selection for this field.)
Max Cost (text box) In some cases, a lending library will charge a loan or photocopy fee to provide the requested item. Enter the maximum the patron is willing to pay if such a fee is charged. The default value for this field is “0.00.”
Need by (text box) The system enters a default Need by date a specified number of days (determined by your library) from the current calendar date. If you wish to change the default Need by date, enter the desired date in the Need by text box, or, click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon  to use the Date Entry Calendar to select a date (see the System Basics User Guide for details).

NOTE: If your library has established a minimum Need by date, dates prior to the minimum established Need by date are “grayed out,” and cannot be selected.

NOTE: If you manually enter a need by date prior to the current calendar date, the message “Need by date is invalid” displays when you submit the request. Enter a valid Need by date and resubmit the request.

Number of Copies Needed (over 1 creates multiple requests) (text box) To submit requests for more than one copy of the title (to generate multiple ILL requests), enter the desired number of copies. See Special Considerations for Multi-Copy Requests for more information. This field is applicable to Returnable (loan) requests only. This field is not shown on the Blank Request Form Form (see Using the Blank Request Form for details).
OCLC Number (text box) Enter the OCLC Number (if known) for the title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Other Standard Identifier (text box) Enter the UPC Code (if known) for the requested title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Patron's Address 1 (text box) Enter the patron’s street address. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Address 2 (text box) Enter the patron’s secondary address (such as an Apt. #), if applicable. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Address 3 (City, State, ZIP) (text boxes) Enter the patron’s city, state or Province, and ZIP or postal code. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Contact 1 (text box) Enter the patron’s primary contact method (email address, home phone number, cell phone number, etc.). If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Contact 2 (text box) Enter the patron’s secondary contact method (email address, home phone number, cell phone number, etc.). If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's First Name (text box) Enter the patron’s first name. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Last Name (text box) Enter the patron’s last name. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Library Card Number (text box) Enter the patron’s library card number. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Middle Name (text box) Enter the patron’s middle name. If desired, you can use the Patron Lookup feature to locate the desired patron and automatically fill this field with information taken from the patron’s user record, as available. The Patron Lookup function is available only for system utilizing the User Administration module to manage authenticated patrons. For systems utilizing optional SIP2 functionality, the desired patron must be selected from either the SHAREit database or SIP2 database before the request form is displayed.
Patron's Payment Options (drop-down menu) In some cases, a lending library will charge a loan or photocopy fee to provide the requested item. Select the patron’s preferred method of payment if such a fee is charged.
Patron's Program and Course (text box) If appropriate, enter the patron’s “major” (such as “Physics” or “English”).
Patron's Status and Year (text box) If appropriate, enter the patron’s “classification” (such as “Undergraduate” or “class of 2011”).
Physical Description (text box) Enter the appropriate physical description of the requested item. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Pickup Location Options (drop-down menu) Select the library location or branch from which the patron may pick up the item. If desired, you can set a default pickup location for your account (see Setting a Default Pickup Location on page 22 for details).
Publisher (Place, Name, Date) (text boxes) Enter the place of publication, publisher name, and/or date of publication, as appropriate. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Publisher Number Enter the Publisher Number (if known) for the requested title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, the system enters the UPC code as appropriate.
Publisher Source Enter the Publisher Source (if known) for the requested title. For requests created from a Full Record Display, the system enters the UPC code as appropriate.
Request Type Options (hyperlinks)

NOTE: When Request this Item is selected from a Brief Browse List or Full Record Display, the system determines the appropriate request type, Returnable (loan) or Non-Returnable (copy), based on the item being requested, and displays the associated request form. In most cases, Returnable (loan) is the default selection. In cases where the requested item is a serial, periodical, or “electronic format” item, Non-Returnable (copy) is the default selection. The hyperlinks at the top of the form show the request type for the request. The ability for library guests/patrons to change the request type is optional, and may not be enabled for all systems.

Series (text box) If the title being requested is part of a series, enter the name of the series. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Show Date (text box) If the item you are requesting is intended for use on a specific date (such as for a film, video or recording), click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired date (see the System Basics User Guide for details). This field is applicable to Returnable (loan) requests only.
Source of Article Citation (text box) Enter the citation of the article. This field is applicable to Non-Returnable (copy) requests only.
This Format Only (checkbox) Use this field to indicate whether or not an item of a format other than the currently selected Material Format Options may be supplied when filling the request. A checkmark checkmark indicates only the format specified may be supplied when filling the request. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates that any format may be supplied when filling the request. Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off. This option is deselected by default. This field is applicable to Returnable (loan) requests only.
Title/Journal Title (text box) Enter the title or journal title of the requested item. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system.
Uniform Title (text box) Enter the uniform title of the requested item. For requests created from a Full Record Display, this information is pre-filled by the system as appropriate.
Volumes Needed (text box) If the title you are requesting is a multi-volume title, list the specific volumes you wish to borrow. This field is applicable to Returnable (loan) requests only.