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Viewing Participant Records

To view participant records:

NOTE: When updating a specific area of the Participant Record only, use the Lender Info, Contact Info, Holiday List, ISO, Usernames, Related Info, Patron Notices, Staff Notices, NCIP C-ILL, SSO and URL Info buttons at the top of the screen to scroll to the desired section of the Participant Record.

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select Participant Record.
    • The Maintain Participant Record screen displays.

Maintain Participant Record Screen

Maintain Participant Record Screen

  1. For Customer SuperUsers ONLY: If desired, access the Participant Record you wish to view:
    • Enter or edit the code assigned by Auto-Graphics, for the library for which you wish to view the record, in the Library Code text box.

      NOTE: The Library Code text box initially contains the code for the library under which you logged in.

      • If desired, you can use the Lookup function to locate the desired Library Code (see Using Lookup for details).
    • Click the Search button. (Click the Reset button to return the Maintain Participant Record screen to its initial conditions.)
      • If a record does not exist for the library, the message “Participant record not found” displays at the top of the screen.
      • If a record does exist for the library, the participant information for the library displays.
      • Use the Previous Page button Previous Page Button and Next Page button Next Page Button to browse other participant records. Participant Records are browsed in alphabetic order.
      • Use the First Page button First Page Button and Last Page button Last Page Button to scroll to the first or last participant record, respectively, by Library Code.

To print a participant record:

  1. Click the Format to Print button.
    • A formatted version of the Participant Record displays in an additional browser window.
  2. Use the standard procedures for your web browser to print the Participant Record.
  3. Close the formatted Participant Record.