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Viewing and Editing the System Wide Record

The System Wide Record screen lets selected staff members set the defaults for maximum lenders, finished requests deleted in, load leveling algorithm, reference lender, System Wide List and the optional bookstraps feature. These defaults apply to all participant institutions in your consortium.

To set the system wide defaults:

  1. From the ILL Admin menu (see The ILL Admin Menu for details), select System Wide Record.
    • The System Wide Record screen displays.

System Wide Record Screen

System Wide Record Screen

  1. Enter the maximum number of lenders to which a given ILL request may be sent in the Maximum Lenders text box.
    • The maximum number of lenders should not be greater than 250.
  2. Enter the number of calendar days you wish to keep finished requests in the system before being automatically deleted by the system in the Finished Requests Deleted In text box.

    NOTE: A finished request is defined as a “borrow” request that the lender has checked in, or a “copy” request that has been updated to Received by the borrower.

  3. Select the desired option for ILL load leveling from the Load Leveling Algorithm menu:

    NOTE: Load leveling aids in ensuring an equitable distribution of ILL requests between two trading partners or among all trading partners in the consortium.

    • Ordered: ILL requests are submitted to lenders holding the title in the order specified in the Preferred Lender List on the Participant Record and the System Wide List in the System Wide Record, if used, for the borrower.

      NOTE: Ordered is the default selection for the Load Leveling Algorithm.

    • Random: ILL requests are submitted to lenders holding the title in random order.
    • Random Hierarchy – The Lender List is built using lenders holding the title from the Preferred Lender List on the Participant Record in a random order; and then adding lenders from the System Wide List in the System Wide Record in a random order.

      NOTE: In cases where a Preferred Lender List has not been specified in the borrower’s Participant Record, the Lender List is built only using lenders from the System Wide List in the System Wide Record in a random order.

    • Preferred Hierarchy – The Lender List is built using lenders holding the title from the Preferred Lender List on the Participant Record in the order specified in the list; and then adding lenders from the System Wide List in the System Wide Record in a random order.

      NOTE: In cases where a Preferred Lender List has not been specified in the borrower’s Participant Record, the Lender List is built only using lenders from the System Wide List in the System Wide Record in a random order.

  4. Enter the Library Code for the lender to whom you wish to submit Reference Requests in the Reference Lender text box.
    • When you select Reference Request from the Request Type menu on the Blank Request Form, the Reference Lender is entered in the ILL Lender List automatically.
  5. If your library has enabled the optional bookstraps feature, select the type(s) of bookstraps you wish to be included on the Bookstraps screen from the Bookstraps menu.
    • You may select to include bookstraps for items processed by your library as Borrower and Lender, or as a Borrower Only.

      NOTE: Bookstraps are an optional feature, and may not be enabled for all systems. For libraries that have not enabled Bookstraps functionality, the Bookstraps menu is not shown on the System Wide Record.

  6. If desired and if you have the permissions, you can make additions, deletions or updates to libraries in the System Wide List (see Editing the System Wide List for details).
  7. Click the Submit button to save changes to the System Wide Record. (Click the Reset button before updating to leave the System Wide Record unchanged.)
    • The screen refreshes and displays the message “The system wide record has been successfully updated.”