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Checking In the First Issue

To check in the first issue of a new subscription:

  1. From the Serials menu, select Checkin.
    • The Serials Checkin Search screen displays.

Serials Checkin Search Screen

Serials Checkin Search Screen

  1. Enter the desired search criteria in the Enter ISSN or Title or Barcode text box, then select ISSN, Title or Barcode from the associated drop-down menu, as appropriate.
    • When entering an ISSN, enter the complete ISSN.
    • When entering a title, you may enter a complete or partial title.

      NOTE: When entering a partial title, do not skip words. For example, when searching for "The Guinness Book of World Records," you may enter "guinness book" as your search term; you may not enter "guinness records."

    • When entering a barcode, enter the complete barcode.
  2. If desired, click the Set Index as Default link to set the currently selected index as the default index each time the Serials Checkin Search screen is accessed.
  3. Click the Submit button.
    • If you entered an ISSN, a list of ISSNs displays, beginning with the ISSN that most closely matches your search term.

Select ISSN List

Select ISSN List

  • Use the Previous and Next links to scroll the list forward and backward.
  • Click the desired ISSN link to display a list of titles for the selected ISSN.
  • Click the Select this Title link for the desired item. The Serials Check-In screen for the associated title displays.

Select Title List

Select Title List

  • Use the Previous and Next links to scroll the list forward and backward.
  • Click the desired Title link to display a list of items for the selected title.
  • Click the Select this Title link for the desired item. The Serials Check-In screen for the associated title displays.

Serials Check-In Screen

Serials Check-In Screen

  1. The Serials Check-In screen provides the following information:
    • The Title, Publisher and ISSN for the selected serial are shown at the top of the screen, along with any Check-In Screen Note entered during subscription setup.
    • The Prediction field shows the criteria on which the prediction algorithm for the subscription is based. The Frequency field shows the frequency in which issues are received. The Exceptions field indicates any exceptions to the Frequency. The Skip Enumerations field indicates whether or not enumeration should be skipped for the issue being checked in.
    • The Predicted Issues table shows a single listing indicating “First Issue Copy Not Yet Received.”
  2. Click the Checkin issue link in the Predicted Issues table to check in the first issue of the subscription.
    • The Chronology/Enumeration screen displays.

Chronology/Enumeration Screen

Chronology/Enumeration Screen

  1. The Chronology/Enumeration screen includes the following information:
    • The Title, Publisher and ISSN for the selected serial are shown at the top of the screen, along with any Check-In Screen Note entered during subscription setup.
    • The Subscription Status field indicates whether this is a new subscription (New Sub) or an active continuing subscription (Active Sub), and identifies the Checkin Type for the subscription (Regular, Irregular or Special).

      NOTE: If the subscription for which you are checking in the first issue is a new subscription (New Sub), you must change the status of the subscription to Active before you can check in the issue (see Editing a Subscription for details).

    • The Items Received field indicates the number of copies of the associated issue received-to-date (# Received) and the number of copies for which “damaged” claims were generated (Damaged Clm).
  2. Enter the appropriate chronology information for the first issue in the Chronology - Change To text boxes:
    • Use the Day, Month and Year text boxes, and the Season menu to enter the actual date for the issue being checked in (as it appears on the issue).

      NOTE: Enter the desired Month using the appropriate three-character abbreviation; e.g., “OCT” (for October). Enter the desired Year in four-digit format; i.e., “2002

    • Use only those fields appropriate to the issue being checked in; all other fields may be left blank. For example, a monthly publication will usually have a date containing only the month and year. In this case, the Day and Season fields would be left blank.
    • The Publication Date field is initially filled with the current calendar date. Enter the actual publication date for the issue being checked in.
      • Enter the Publication Date using the format MM/DD/YYYY; “01/01/2019” for example.

        NOTE: Be sure to include the slashes “/” when entering the Publication Date. Do not include alphabetic characters when entering the Publication Date.

        NOTE: The Publication Date is primarily used by the prediction algorithm when predicting issues by publication date.

  3. Enter the appropriate enumeration values for the issue being checked in using the Enumeration – Actual text boxes.
    • The Predicted - Caption fields show the current captioning levels for the subscription (as entered during subscription setup). If necessary, you may edit the captioning for the issue being checked in using the Actual - Caption menus as follows:

      NOTE: Enumeration is used to define the hierarchical captioning for each issue of a given subscription. Up to seven levels of captioning may be defined.

      • Enter the primary (topmost) level of captioning using the Level 1 data line. Select the desired caption from the Actual - Caption menu (in most cases, this will be Volume).
      • Enter the secondary level of captioning using the Level 2 data line. Select the desired caption from the Actual - Caption menu (Number, Part, etc.).
      • Enter additional levels of captioning, as appropriate, using the Level 3 through Level 7 data lines.
    • Enter the captioning values for the issue being checked in using the Actual – Value text boxes.
      • For example, if the issue being checked in is labeled “Volume 23, Number 2,” you would enter “23” in the Actual – Value text box next to Volume, and “2” in the Actual – Value text box next to Number.
  4. The Check In Copies table provides a listing of each subscription (each copy of the title) that your library receives. The Check In Copies table shows the Copy number and Location for each item received (if OPAC items were specified during subscription setup), indicates if a Routing List is associated with the subscription, identifies the Vendor for each subscription, includes any checkin Note entered during subscription setup, and identifies the staff member that requested the subscription (Requestor). Check in the first issue of the subscription as follows:
    • If appropriate, use the Call Number text box to enter a call number for the item being checked in.
    • If the issue was received in satisfactory condition, select the Checkin radio button.
      • If the issue was received damaged, and you wish to generate a damaged claim for the issue, select the Damaged radio button.
    • If the subscription was set up for OPAC items, you may enter a barcode for the issue in the Barcode text box. (If you leave the Barcode text box blank, the system will assign a barcode for the issue.)

      NOTE: The Barcode text box is displayed only if the subscription was set up for OPAC items.

    • Select the status you wish assigned to the item record for this issue from the Status menu. The default selection for the Status menu is Available.
  5. Click the Submit button on the Chronology/Enumeration screen to continue.
    • The Checked-In Items screen displays.

Checked In Items Screen

Checked In Items Screen

  1. The Checked-In Items screen provides the following information:
    • The Title, Publisher and ISSN for the selected serial are shown at the top of the screen, along with any Check-In Screen Note entered during subscription setup.
    • The Total No. of Check-In Issues field shows the total number of issues checked in during the current check-in session.
    • The Issues Checked In table lists the issues checked in by Subscription No, and includes the Barcode, current Status and library Location, as appropriate, for each issue listed.
    • If a Routing List is associated with the subscription, the appropriate Routing List is shown at the bottom of the screen. To print the Routing List:
      • Click the Print button on the Checked In Items screen. A formatted version of the Routing List displays in an additional browser window, and a standard Print dialog displays.
      • Make the desired selections on the Print dialog, then click the OK button to print the receipt. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the print request.)
      • The Routing List window closes automatically.
  2. Click the Continue button to return to the Serials Check-In screen.
    • Once check-in of the first issue has been completed, the issue is listed in the Checked In Issues table on the Serials Check In screen. The Checked In Issues table lists the item No, Issue Number and Issue Date for each issue checked in, and shows the Quantity of issues checked in, the quantity of issues Claimed, and the date the associated issue was checked in (Received Date).
    • Additionally, the Predicted Issues table lists the next five predicted issues, in chronological order, and includes the Issue No. and Issue Date for each predicted issue, as well as the predicted date on which the issue will be received (Expected Date).

Serials Checkin Screen (following first issue checkin)

Serials Checkin Screen (following first issue checkin)

  1. If desired, you may continue to check in issues for the current subscription (see Checking In Continuing Issues for details).