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Claiming Days and Check In Notes

Claiming days let you determine when the system will generate claims for issues you have not received (see Chapter 4, Claiming for more information). Claim Letters are generated when a given issue has not been received within a specified number of days following its predicted delivery date.

You may also include a title-level check-in note in the subscription setup. This note is displayed when the serial title is first encountered, before an individual copy is checked in.

NOTE: You may also include a copy-level check-in note if desired (see Adding a Subscription for details).

To add or edit Claiming Days and Check-In Notes:

  1. From the Subscription Setup screen for the desired subscription, click the Change Claiming or Notes button.
    • The Claiming/Notes Setup screen displays.
    • The Claiming/Notes Setup screen shows the Title, Publisher and ISSN for the current subscription.

Claiming/Notes Setup Screen

Claiming/Notes Setup Screen

  1. Enter the number of days following the predicted delivery date for an issue when you wish the system to generate a claim for the issue in the Claiming Days text box.
    • For example, to generate a claim for a missing issue 15 days following its predicted delivery date, enter "15" in the Claiming Days text box.
  2. If desired, enter text for a title-level check in note in the Checkin Screen Notes text box.
  3. When all desired information has been entered or edited, click the Submit button to save your changes to claiming days and check-in notes, and return to the Subscription Setup screen.