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Entering Enumeration and Chronology for Manually Predicted Issues

You can add enumeration and chronology information for the manually predicted issues.

To add enumeration and chronology:

  1. On the Serials Prediction Calendar (see Using the Serials Prediction Calendar for details), scroll to the bottom of the screen to view the “predicted issues” list.
  2. Click the Modify link for the desired issue.
    • The Prediction Calendar Detail screen for the selected issue displays.

Prediction Calendar Detail Screen

Prediction Calendar Detail Screen

  1. Enter the appropriate chronology information for the predicted issue in the Chronology - Change To text boxes:
    • Use the Day, Month and Year text boxes, and the Season menu to enter the actual date for the predicted (as it appears on the issue).

      NOTE: Enter the desired Month using the appropriate three-character abbreviation; e.g., “OCT” (for October). Enter the desired Year in four-digit format; i.e., “2002.”

    • Use only those fields appropriate to the issue; all other fields may be left blank. For example, a monthly publication will usually have a date containing only the month and year. In this case, the Day and Season fields would be left blank.
  2. Enter the appropriate enumeration values for the issue being checked in using the Enumeration – Actual text boxes.
    • The Current - Caption and Value fields show the current captioning levels for the subscription. If necessary, you may edit the captioning for the issue using the Actual - Caption menus and Value text boxes as follows:

      NOTE: Enumeration is used to define the hierarchical captioning for each issue of a given subscription. Up to seven levels of captioning may be defined.

      • Enter the primary (topmost) level of captioning using the Level 1 data line. Select the desired caption from the Actual - Caption menu (in most cases, this will be Volume).
      • Enter the secondary level of captioning using the Level 2 data line. Select the desired caption from the Actual - Caption menu (Number, Part, etc.).
      • Enter additional levels of captioning, as appropriate, using the Level 3 through Level 7 data lines.
    • Enter the captioning values for the issue being checked in using the Actual – Value text boxes.
      • For example, if the issue being checked in is labeled “Volume 23, Number 2,” you would enter “23” in the Actual – Value text box next to Volume, and “2” in the Actual – Value text box next to Number.
  3. When the appropriate chronology and enumeration information has been entered, click the Submit button to save your changes.
    • The Prediction Calendar Detail screen closes automatically, and the Serials Prediction Calendar refreshes to display the added chronology and enumeration information for the issue in the Issue Date and Issue Number fields, respectively.