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Prediction Algorithm Setup

The Prediction Algorithm establishes the frequency and regularity for which issues are expected to arrive for a given subscription. The system uses the Prediction Algorithm, along with actual "received" dates for previous issues of the subscription, to determine estimated delivery dates for future issues. These dates are then used as a basis for reporting late/missing issues and for generating Claim Letters to vendors.

NOTE: The Prediction Algorithm should be entered during initial subscription setup, but may be edited at any time during the life of the subscription. Once the Prediction Algorithm for a subscription has been entered, any changes to the Prediction Algorithm will affect the prediction schedule only for those issues not yet received.

NOTE: Prediction Algorithms are generally used for regular, recurring subscriptions.

To enter or edit the Prediction Algorithm:

  1. From the Subscription Setup screen for the desired subscription (see Adding a Subscription for details), click the Modify Prediction Algorithm button.
    • The Prediction Algorithm Setup screen displays.
    • The Prediction Algorithm Setup screen shows the Title, Publisher and ISSN for the current subscription.

Prediction Algorithm Setup Screen

Prediction Algorithm Setup Screen

  1. To manually create a new prediction algorithm or to edit an existing prediction algorithm:
    • Enter or edit the appropriate Chronology information for the subscription:
    • Select the appropriate frequency for the subscription from the Frequency menu.
      • The Frequency menu lists a number of frequency intervals that apply to most serial subscriptions (i.e., daily, weekly, monthly, etc.), including seasonal frequency patterns.
      • If the frequency pattern for a given description does not match any of the available frequency intervals, select the closest possible match, and use the Regularity value to describe the appropriate publication pattern, as detailed below.
    • Enter the number of Frequency periods that elapse between publication of successive issues of the subscription in the Regularity text box.
      • For example, if a serial arrives once per week, select Weekly from the Frequency menu, and enter "1" in the Regularity text box.
      • You may also use the Regularity text box to describe a delivery schedule in which more than one frequency period elapses between successive subscriptions. For example, if a serial is issued three times a year (every four months, for which there is no exact frequency designation), you would select Monthly from the Frequency menu, and enter "4" in the Regularity text box (indicating that four months elapse between publication of successive issues).
    • Enter any exceptions to the specified frequency/regularity pattern in the Exceptions text box.
      • Enter the first three letters of the day or month for which an issue will not be received in the Exceptions text box.

        NOTE: Use capital letters when entering Exceptions (i.e., SUN).

      • Enter multiple exception periods separated by commas, with no spaces (i.e., SAT,SUN).

        NOTE: Do not use a hyphen to indicate a range of days (or months). List each day (or month) individually. For example, if a serial is published monthly during the school year, but is not published during the summer months, you would enter the Exceptions as "JUN,JUL,AUG." You may not enter the Exceptions as "JUN-AUG."

    • Indicate whether or not enumeration should be skipped by selecting the Skip Enumeration - Yes or No radio button, as desired.
    • Indicate the criteria on which you wish the prediction algorithm to be based by selecting the Last Issue Received, Publication Date or Manual Calendar Selection radio button, as desired. If the Manual Calendar Selection radio button is selected, click the Set Predictions link to manually select the dates on which you expect to receive issues (see Using the Serials Prediction Calendar for details).
  2. To copy an existing prediction algorithm created by another library within your consortium:
    • Click the Existing Consortium Prediction Patterns link.
      • The Existing Prediction Patterns for this Title screen displays.

Existing Prediction Patterns for this Title Screen

Existing Prediction Patterns for this Title Screen

  • The screen shows a list of all prediction patterns for the title defined by libraries within your consortium.
  • Each line in the listing shows the Library that defined the algorithm, and shows the specified Frequency, Regularity and Prediction Date Method for the algorithm.
  1. Enter or edit Enumeration information for the individual issues of the subscription, as necessary:
    • Enumeration is used to define the hierarchical captioning for each issue of a given subscription. Up to seven levels of captioning may be defined.
    • Enter the primary (topmost) level of captioning using the Level 1 data line:
      • Select the desired caption from the Caption menu (in most cases, this will be Volume).
      • Select a numbering format for the associated Caption from the Data Type menu, either Numeric, ALPHA (upper case) or alpha (lower case).
    • Enter the secondary level of captioning using the Level 2 data line:
      • Select the desired caption from the Caption menu (Number, Part, etc.).
      • Enter the number of Level 2 Captions contained in each Level 1 Caption in the How Many? text box. For example, if two Parts (Level 2 caption) are contained in each Volume (Level 1 caption), enter "2" in the How Many? text box.
      • Indicate whether or not numbering for the caption level is continuous by selecting either Yes or No from the Continuous? text box.
      • Select a numbering format for the associated Caption from the Data Type menu, either Numeric, ALPHA(upper case) or alpha(lower case).
    • Enter additional levels of captioning, as appropriate, using the Level 3 through Level 7 data lines.
  2. When all information for the Prediction Algorithm has been entered or edited, click the Submit button to save the Prediction Algorithm and return to the Subscription Setup screen.