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Changing a Field

You can change the Tag Id, Sub Fields and/or Label for any field currently in the brief record display profile.

To change a field in the brief record display profile:

  1. From the Brief Record Display Profile page (see Configuring the Brief Record Display Profile for details), click the tab for the field you wish to change.
    • The Edit Field panel displays.

Edit Field Panel

Edit Field Panel

  1. Change the following information as desired:

    NOTE: All data fields are required.

    • Tag Id: Edit the three-digit MARC tag for the field you wish to add.
    • Sub Fields: Enter the subfields to be displayed.
      • Enter subfields as a continuous list, with no spaces. Do not separate subfields with commas.
    • Label: Edit the name for the field. The Label is used to identify the field on Continuous Brief Browse Lists and Title Lists.

      NOTE: You may use any name you wish as a Label. The Label can be alphanumeric, upper- and lower-case, and can include spaces. The Label cannot exceed 20 characters, including spaces. If the Label exceeds 20 characters, the Save button is disabled.

  2. Click the Save button to save your changes.

    NOTE: If you do not enter a value for one or more data fields, the Save button is disabled.

    • A “Success” message shows briefly at the top of the screen.
    • The Edit Field panel closes automatically, and the screen returns to the Brief Record Display Profile page.
  3. Click the X button to close the Brief Record Display Profile page.