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Creating a Page Link

The Create a Page Link option lets you create a link to an existing external web page. You can specify the User Types for which the page will be displayed.

NOTE: A Page Link cannot be used as the Home Page.

To create a new Page Link:

  1. From the Pages and Widgets menu (see Creating and Editing Pages for details), select Create a Page Link.
    • The Create Page Link page displays.

Create Page Link Page

Create Page Link Page

  1. Enter a name for the page in the Page Link Title text box. This field is mandatory.
  2. Use the Visibility checkboxes to select the User Type(s) for which the page will be available; Guest, Patron and/or Staff.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the page is enabled for display for the associated User Type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the page is disabled from display for the associated User Type.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. Use the Active Now or Active on a Date checkbox to specify when the page will become active in the system.

    NOTE: The Active Now and Active on a Date checkboxes are mutually exclusive.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To make the Page Link active upon saving:
      • Select the Active Now checkbox.
      • The Page Link will be available to the specified User Type(s) immediately upon saving.
    • To make the Page Link active on a specified date:
      • Select the Active on a Date checkbox. The Create Page Link page refreshes to display the date entry text box.
      • Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired date from the Date Entry Calendar (see Using the Date Entry Calendar for details).
      • Upon saving, the Page Link will be made available to the specified User Type(s) on the specified date.
    • To make the page inactive, leave both the Active Now and Active on a Date checkboxes unselected.
  4. Use the Publish page to other libraries or Publish to all libraries checkbox to specify the libraries to which the Page Link will be published.

    NOTE: The Publish page to other libraries and Publish to all libraries checkboxes are available to Customer SuperUsers only.

    NOTE: The Publish page to other libraries and Publish to all libraries checkboxes are mutually exclusive. The Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes are mutually exclusive.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • To publish the Page Link to one or more selected libraries:
      • Select the Publish page to other libraries checkbox. The Create Page Link page refreshes to display the Select Libraries menu and the Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes. The Select Libraries menu lists all libraries in your system.
      • Click the Select Libraries Open Menu image of Select Libraries Menu Icon icon to open the Select Libraries menu.
      • Use the checkboxes to select the libraries to which you wish to publish the Page Link. A checkmark checkmark indicates the Page Link will be published to the associated library. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Page Link will not be published to the associated library. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • When all desired libraries have been selected, click outside the Select Libraries menu to close the menu.
    • To publish the Page Link to all libraries:
      • Select the Publish to all libraries checkbox. The Create Page Link page refreshes to display the Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes.
    • To make the Page Link active upon saving:
      • Select the Force Active Page Now checkbox.
      • The Page Link will be available to the specified User Type(s) immediately upon saving.
    • To make the Page Link active on a specified date:
      • Select the Active on a Date checkbox. The Create Page Link page refreshes to display the date entry text box.
      • Click the Date Entry Calendar icon Date Entry Calendar icon to select the desired date from the Date Entry Calendar (see Using the Date Entry Calendar for details).
      • Upon saving, the Page Link will be made available to the specified User Type(s) on the specified date.
    • To make the page inactive, leave both the Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes unselected.
  5. Enter the complete Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the page to which you wish to link in the Re-direct link text box.

    NOTE: BE SURE to include http:// or https:/ as appropriate.

  6. When all desired information for the page has been entered, click the Create button to save the page. (Click the Cancel button to cancel your work and discard the new page.)
    • The Create Page Link page closes, and the message “Page published” (if the page is active now or will be active on a specified date) or “Page created” (if the page will be inactive) shows briefly at the top of the screen.

To edit an existing Page Link:

  1. From the Pages and Widgets menu (see Creating and Editing Pages for details), click the tab for the Page Link you wish to edit.
    • The Edit Page Link page displays. The screen pre-filled with the current content for the page.

Edit Page Link Page

Edit Page Link Page

  1. Edit the Page Link Title in the Enter Page label here field, as desired.
  2. For “global” pages, use the Global Settings - Publish a page and Global Settings - Set a global page checkboxes to publish the page to one or more selected libraries or to all libraries.

    NOTE: “Global” page functionality is available to Customer SuperUsers only.

    NOTE: The Publish a page and Set a global page checkboxes are mutually exclusive.

    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the associated option is selected.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the associated option is not selected.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • The Edit Page Link screen refreshes to display the Publish page to other libraries and Publish to all libraries checkboxes.

        NOTE: The Publish page to other libraries and Publish to all libraries checkboxes are mutually exclusive. The Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes are mutually exclusive.

    • To publish the Page Link to one or more selected libraries:
      • Select the Publish page to other libraries checkbox. The Create Page Link page refreshes to display the Select Libraries menu and the Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes. The Select Libraries menu lists all libraries in your system.
      • Click the Select Libraries Menu Open icon Select Libraries Menu Open Icon to open the Select Libraries menu.
      • Use the checkboxes to select the libraries to which you wish to publish the Page Link. A checkmark checkmark indicates the Page Link will be published to the associated library. An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Page Link will not be published to the associated library. Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
      • When all desired libraries have been selected, click outside the Select Libraries menu to close the menu.
    • To publish the Page Link to all libraries:
      • Select the Publish to all libraries checkbox. The Edit Page Link screen refreshes to display the Force Active Page Now and Active on a Date checkboxes.
  3. For “local” pages, use the Local Settings options to edit settings for the page as desired:
    • Edit the Redirect link for the page in the Redirect URL Link page field, as desired.
    • Use the Active Now or Active on a Date checkbox to specify when the page will become active in the system.
    • Use the Visibility checkboxes to select the User Type(s) for which the page will be available; Guest, Patron and/or Staff.
  4. When all desired changes have been made, click the Save Page Settings button to save your changes and close the page. (Click the X button to cancel your changes and leave the page unchanged.)
    • The Edit Page Link screen closes, and a confirmation message shows briefly at the top of the screen to confirm your changes.

To delete an existing Page Link:

  1. From the Pages and Widgets menu (see Creating and Editing Pages for details), click the Delete Page icon Delete Page Icon for the Page Link you wish to delete.
    • The message “Are you sure?” displays briefly at the top of the screen.
  2. Click Yes on the confirmation message to complete the deletion. (Allow the message to expire to cancel the deletion and retain the page.)
    • The Pages and Widgets menu refreshes with the selected page removed from the list, and the message “Page Deleted” displays briefly at the top of the screen.