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Creating and Editing Pages

Using the Pages and Widgets functions, you can:

You can also set the order in which Page links are displayed in the “tab bar,” and delete an existing page.

To access the Pages and Widgets menu:

  1. Select Settings from the UX Admin menu (see The UX Admin Settings Menu for details).
    • The Settings panel displays.
  2. Select Pages and Widgets from the Settings panel.
    • The Pages and Widgets menu displays. The Pages and Widgets menu lists the currently defined Active Pages, Non-Active Pages, System Pages, and Widgets for your system.

Pages and Widgets Menu

Pages and Widgets Menu

NOTE: System Pages can be accessed and edited by Customer SuperUsers only.

Page Type – Home Page icon Home Page Icon indicates the associated page is the “Home” page for your system

Page Type – Informational Page icon Informational Page Icon indicates the associated page is an “informational” or “template” page

Page Type – Link Page icon Link Page Icon indicates the associated page is a “link” page

To set the Pages display order:

You can set the order in which links to Active Pages are displayed in the “tab bar.”

  1. Position the cursor on the Move Tab icon Move Tab Icon on the Page tab you wish to move.
  2. Click and hold the left mouse button, then drag the tab to the desired position in the list. Release the mouse button.
    • The message “Order changed successfully” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  3. Repeat as necessary to reposition additional Page tabs.

To delete a Page or Widget:

You can delete a Page from either the Active Pages list or Non-Active Pages list, and you can delete a Widget from the Widgets list. You cannot delete the Customer Care page from the System Pages list.