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Organization of the User Guide

This User Guide is designed to provide an overview of the features and functions of UX Administration, and includes the detailed procedures for configuring and customizing the Search interface, and for creating and maintaining “informational” pages. The User Guide is divided into six chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1 – Introduction. This chapter provides an overview of the features and functions available through UX Administration, and of the scope and contents of the User Guide.

Chapter 2 – Login Options. This chapter provides the procedures to configure the content of the login form and “Select Your Library” menu.

Chapter 3 – Search and Results Options. This chapter provides the procedures to configure and manage optional features and functions for the Search interface.

Chapter 4 – Working with Pages and Widgets. This chapter provides the procedures to create and maintain “informational” pages comprised of content “components,” and to create links to external web pages.

Chapter 5 – Design Options. This chapter provides the procedures to configure options related to the general appearance of the User Interface.

Chapter 6 – Staff Options. This chapter provides the procedures to set the order in which menus are displayed in the Staff Dashboard.