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Setting Advanced Search Options

The Advanced Search Settings option lets you enable or disable optional features and functions and configure the default settings for the Advanced Search function. The Advanced Search Qualifiers option lets you enable or disable search qualifiers for Patrons and/or library Staff, and set the display order for search qualifiers on the Advanced Search screen.

To configure Advanced Search Settings:

  1. Select Settings from the UX Admin menu (see The UX Admin Menu for details).
    • The Settings panel displays.
  2. Select Search and Results, then choose Advanced Search from the Search and Results options menu.
    • The Advanced Search menu displays.
  3. Select Advanced Search Settings from the Advanced Search menu.
    • The Advanced Search Settings page displays.

Advanced Search Settings Page

Advanced Search Settings Page

  1. Enter the desired label for the “Filters” tab on the Advanced Search screen in the Filter Tab Label text box.
    • The Filter Tab Label can be a maximum of 20 characters, including spaces.
  2. Enter the desired label for the “Resources” tab on the Advanced Search screen in the Resources Tab Label text box.
    • The Resources Tab Label can be a maximum of 20 characters, including spaces.
  3. Use the Search Box One Default Index, Search Box Two Default Index and Search Box Three Default Index menus to set the default index selection for the associated search box.
    • The Search Box One Default Index, Search Box Two Default Index and Search Box Three Default Index menus list all search indexes available for your library.
  4. Use the Enable Type Ahead checkboxes to enable or disable “type ahead” functionality while entering search terms when accessing the system as a Patron or as library Staff.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates “type ahead” functionality is enabled for the associated user type.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates “type ahead” functionality is disabled for the associated user type.
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.

      NOTE: If “type ahead” functionality is disabled, the system will not offer search term suggestions based on the characters entered.

  5. When all desired options have been configured, click the Save button to save your changes.
    • A “Success” message shows briefly at the top of the screen.

    NOTE: If the text entered in the Filter Tab Label text box or Resources Tab Label text box exceeds 20 characters, an advisory message shows briefly at the top of the screen, and your changes are not saved. Edit the Filter Tab Label and Resources Tab Label as necessary, then click the Save button to save your changes.

  6. Click the Back button Back Button, as needed, to return to the Settings menu.
  7. Click the X button to close the Settings menu.

To configure Advanced Search Qualifiers:

  1. Select Settings from the UX Admin menu (see The UX Admin Menu for details).
    • The Settings panel displays.
  2. Select Search and Results, then choose Advanced Search from the Search and Results options menu.
    • The Advanced Search menu displays.

Advanced Search Qualifiers Page

Advanced Search Qualifiers Page

  1. Select Advanced Search Qualifiers from the Advanced Search menu.
    • The Advanced Search Qualifiers page displays.
    • The Advanced Search Qualifiers page shows listings of all qualifiers that can be applied to an Advanced Search. Separate lists are shown for Patrons/Guests and library Staff. Search qualifiers are listed in the order in which they appear in the Search Qualifiers section of the Advanced Search screen.
  2. Use the checkboxes to enable or disable display of the associated facet for Patron/Guest users and library Staff.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates display of the associated facet is enabled (the facet will be included in the Search Qualifiers section of the Advanced Search screen).
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates display of the associated facet is disabled (the facet will not be included in the Search Qualifiers section of the Advanced Search screen).
    • Clicking the checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  3. If desired, use the text field associated with a qualifier to enter a new display name for the qualifier.
  4. To rearrange the order in which search qualifiers are listed in the Search Qualifiers section of the Advanced Search screen:
    • Position the cursor on the Move Tab icon Move Tab Icon for the search qualifier you wish to move.
    • Click and hold the left mouse button, drag the qualifier to the desired position in the list, then release the mouse button.
    • Repeat as necessary to reposition additional qualifiers.
  5. When all desired changes have been made, click the Submit Patron/Guest Filters and/or Submit Staff Filters button(s) to save your changes.
    • A “Success” message shows briefly at the top of the screen when each button is clicked.
  6. Click the Back button Back Button, as needed, to return to the Settings menu.
  7. Click the X button to close the Settings menu.