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Setting Login Form Options

Login Form Options let you create login instructions, specify the “username” and “password” prompts for the Login Screen, and set the values for several other user-selectable parameters.

To configure Login Options:

  1. Select Settings from the UX Admin menu (see The UX Admin Menu for details).
    • The Settings panel displays.
  2. Select Login, then choose Login Form Options from the Login options menu.
    • The Login Form Options page displays.

Login Form Options Page

Login Form Options Page

  1. Enter any instructions intended to assist users when logging into the system in the Login Instructional Text text box.

    NOTE: The Login Instructional Text can be a maximum of 240 characters, including spaces.

  2. Enter the label for the ‘Username’ field on the Login Screen in the Username Prompt Label text box.

    NOTE: The Username Prompt Label can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.

    • The Username Prompt Label is also applied to the ‘Username’ field on the “Forgot Your Password” form.
  3. Enter the label for the ‘Password’ field on the Login Screen in the Password Prompt Label text box.

    NOTE: The Password Prompt Label can be a maximum of 50 characters, including spaces.

  4. Use the Display Forgot Password Link checkbox to establish whether or not the Forgot Your Password link will be displayed on the Login Screen.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Forgot Your Password link will be displayed on the Login Screen.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Forgot Your Password link will not be displayed on the Login Screen.

    NOTE: If display of the Forgot Your Password link is disabled, users will not be able to request a “password reset” via email.

  5. Use the Display Library Lookup Box checkbox to establish whether or not the Select your library menu will be displayed on the Login Screen.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Select your library menu will be displayed on the Login Screen.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Select your library menu will not be displayed on the Login Screen.
  6. Use the You must login to the system before searching the catalog checkbox to establish whether or not a user must login to the system before submitting a search.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates login is required before performing a search.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates login is not required before performing a search.
  7. Use the Direct to Advanced Search after Login checkbox to establish whether or not the system automatically displays the Advanced Search screen upon successful login by an authenticated user.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the system will automatically display the Advanced Search screen following a successful login.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the system will not automatically display the Advanced Search screen following a successful login.
  8. Use the Show Password Prompt checkbox to establish whether or not the Password Prompt Label (see step 5) displays on the Login form.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the Password Prompt Label will display on the Login form.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the Password Prompt Label will not display on the Login form.
  9. Enter any additional text to be included in the “password reset” email sent to library patrons in the Forgot Password Email Text text box.

    NOTE: You CANNOT change the system default “password reset” email text. Text entered in the Forgot Password Email Text text box is included in addition to the system default “password reset” email text. The Forgot Password Email Text can be a maximum of 240 characters, including spaces.

  10. When all desired options have been configured, click the Save button to save your changes.
    • A “Success” message shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  11. Click the Back button Back Button, as needed, to return to the Settings menu.
  12. Click the X button to close the Settings menu.