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Entering and Editing Export Item Generation Parameters

In order for the system to perform automatic item generation during a MARC export, you must specify the MARC tag that contains the item data, as well as the subfields for each individual data element (copy number, barcode, call number, etc.).

To enter item generation parameters:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC ExportItem Generation Setup.
    • The Export Items Setup screen displays.

Export Items Setup Screen

Export Items Setup Screen

  1. Enter a name and description for the item generation routine in the Mapping Name and Description text boxes.
  2. Enter the MARC tag containing item data (in the records to be exported) in the Generate Item record for each Tag text box.
  3. Enter the subfields containing the individual item data elements in the text boxes for Copy Number, Barcode, Call Number, Location, Permanent Location, Item Status, Material (Format) Type, Price, Comment, Notes, Categories, Volume, Issue, Part, Supplement, Other, Year, Month, Season, Day, Call Number Prefix, Call Number Suffix and Alternate ID fields, as appropriate.
  4. When all desired information has been entered, click the Submit button to save the item generation setup to your library’s database.
    • The Item Generation Setup screen refreshes to display your changes.
  5. If you wish to create additional item generation setups, click the New button to clear the current contents of the Import Items Setup screen, then repeat steps 2 through 5.

To edit item generation parameters:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC ExportItem Generation Setup.
    • The Export Items Setup screen displays.
  2. Click the Lookup link.
    • The Select a Holds Mapping Setup screen displays in an additional browser window.

Select a Holds Mapping Setup Screen

Select a Holds Mapping Setup Screen

  1. Click the link for the Item Generation Setup for which you wish to edit parameters.
    • The Select a Holds Mapping Setup screen closes automatically, and the Export Items Setup screen refreshes to display the current parameters for the selected Item Generation Setup.
  2. Edit the item generation parameters as desired.
  3. When all desired changes to item generation parameters have been made, click the Submit button to save your changes.

To delete item generation parameters:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select MARC ExportItem Generation Setup.
    • The Export Items Setup screen displays.
  2. Click the Lookup link.
    • The Select a Holds Mapping Setup screen displays in an additional browser window.
  3. Click the Delete button for the Item Generation Setup you wish to delete.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Continue to delete this Mapping?”
  4. Click the OK button on the confirmation dialog to complete the deletion. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the deletion.)
    • The Select a Holds Mapping Setup screen refreshes with the selected Item Generation Setup removed from the list.