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Requesting an Inventory Report

The Inventory Report reconciles your physical inventory with the item records in your library's database. The Inventory Report lists items that are unaccounted for, items that are in the wrong location, and checked out items.

NOTE: It is recommended that an inventory report be run only when inventory processing for the associated library, branch or collection is completed (all items for the location have been inventoried, and barcodes have been entered or uploaded for all inventoried items).

To request an Inventory Report:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select Inventory – Inventory Reports.
    • The Request Inventory Report screen displays. The screen shows a listing of “master” inventory files for all locations for which inventory is currently in process, or which were previously inventoried. Each line in the list provides the following information:

Request Inventory Report Screen

Request Inventory Report Screen

  • Location – the location with which the inventory file is associated
  • Last Report – the most recent date on which an inventory report for the associated location was requested
  • Last Data Load – the most recent date on which data was added to the inventory file (by either Online Barcode Entry or through the Load Inventory function)
  • Last Cleared – the most recent date on which the contents of the inventory file were cleared (deleted)
  • Comments – any system generated comments associated with the inventory file
  1. Click the Submit Report link for the Location for which you wish to generate an inventory report.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Continue to Submit this Report?”
  2. Click the OK button to proceed with the inventory report request. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the request and return to the Request Inventory Report screen.)
    • The Schedule Inventory Report screen displays.

Schedule Inventory Report Screen

Schedule Inventory Report Screen

  1. Enter scheduling options for the report as desired.

    NOTE: The Report Frequency can only be set to Once.

  1. Click the Submit button to submit the inventory report request.

NOTE: Depending on the size of the selected location, it may take from several minutes to more than an hour for the inventory report to complete.

Once the inventory report has completed, you can view the report through the Circulation Reports module (see the Circulation Reports User Guide for details).