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Setting the Missing Items Exception

The Set Missing Items Exception lets you automatically apply the Missing exception to all “unreconciled” items for a selected location. An item is considered to be “unreconciled” if an item record for a given item exists in the database for a selected location, but a barcode for the item was not scanned or uploaded during inventory processing for the location.

NOTE: DO NOT use the Set Missing Items Exception function until ALL inventory processing for the associated location has been completed. It is STRONGLY recommended that you generate an inventory report for the location and verify that ALL “unreconciled” items are truly missing before using the Set Missing Items Exception function. Once the Missing exception is applied to “unreconciled” items, it cannot be “undone” automatically. The exception for any items incorrectly identified as Missing must be changed manually.

To set the Missing Items Exception:

  1. From the CAT Admin menu, select Inventory - Set Missing Items Exception.
    • The Set Missing Items Exception screen displays. The screen shows a listing of “master” inventory files for all locations for which inventory is currently in process, or which were previously inventoried. Each line in the list provides the following information:

Set Missing Items Exception Screen

Set Missing Items Exception Screen

  • Location – the location with which the inventory file is associated
  • Last Report – the most recent date on which an inventory report for the associated location was requested
  • Last Data Load – the most recent date on which data was added to the inventory file (by either Online Barcode Entry or through the Load Inventory function)
  • Last Cleared – the most recent date on which the contents of the inventory file were cleared (deleted)
  • Comments – any system generated comments associated with the inventory file
  1. Click the Set exceptions link for the Location for which you wish to apply the missing exception to all items determined to be missing as a result of inventory processing.
    • A confirmation dialog displays the message “Continue to Process this?”
  2. Click the OK button to continue. (Click the Cancel button to cancel the request and return to the Set Missing Items Exception screen.)
    • The Schedule Set Exception Missing screen displays.

Schedule Set Exception Missing Screen

Schedule Set Exception Missing Screen

  1. Enter scheduling options for the report as desired.

    NOTE: The Report Frequency can only be set to Once.

  1. Click the Submit button to complete the process.

Once the process has completed, you can choose to delete items identified as missing using the Delete Item Exceptions report available through the Circulation Reports module (see the Circulation Reports User Guide for details).