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Emailing a Full Record

The Email this Item feature lets you send an email of a Full Record Display to yourself or to another party.

NOTE: Email functionality is optional and may not be enabled for all libraries.

To email a Full Record:

  1. Use Quick Search or Advanced Search to access the Full Record Display for the record you wish to email.
  2. Click the Email this Item link.
    • The Send Email panel displays.

Send Email Panel

Send Email Panel

  1. Enter the name and email address you wish shown in the “From” field of the email in the FROM text boxes.
    • By default, the system enters your user name in the first FROM text box, and the email address” in the second FROM text box.

      NOTE: If you are not currently logged into the system, the term “guest” is entered in the first FROM text box by default.

  2. Enter the email address of the person to whom you wish to send the Full Record in the To: email text box.

    NOTE: The To: email field is required.

  3. If desired, enter the email addresses for additional recipients in the CC: email and/or BCC: email text boxes, as appropriate.

    NOTE: When entering multiple email addresses in the To: email, CC: email and/or BCC: email text boxes, separate email addresses with commas and no spaces.

  4. The remaining two text boxes contain bibliographic data from the Full Record. It is recommended that you DO NOT alter this data.
  5. Click the Send button to send the email.
    • The confirmation message “Email sent” shows briefly at the top of the screen.
  6. Click outside the Send Email panel to return to the Full Record Display.