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Linking to a Full Record

The Permanent Link feature lets you place a link to a Full Record Display from any of your library’s VERSO databases into a document (such as a Microsoft Word file) or web page outside of VERSO. When you click the link in the document, the default browser for your computer opens automatically, and displays the associated Full Record.

To link to a Full Record:

  1. Use Keyword Search, Browse or Advanced Search to search one or more of your library’s A-G databases, and access the Full Record Display for the record to which you wish to link.
  2. Click the Permanent Link link.
    • The Permanent link panel displays.

Permanent Link Panel

Permanent Link Panel

  1. Click the Copy button.
    • The confirmation message “link copied” shows briefly at the top of the screen, and the link is copied to the clipboard.
  2. Open the document or file into which you wish to paste the link. Paste the URL into the document using the procedures appropriate for the document.
  3. Click outside the Permanent link panel to return to the Full Record Display.