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Sharing Lists

You can share one or more selected titles from a list you have created with another library patron or staff member. You can also accept or decline lists shared to you by another library patron or staff member.

NOTE: You must know the username or barcode of the library patron or staff member with whom you wish to share a list.

To share a list with another user:

  1. Open the desired list (see Viewing and Managing Lists (Authenticated Patron) for details).
  2. Use the checkboxes to select the records you wish to share.
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the record is selected.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the record is not selected.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
    • Click the Select / Clear All link to select the checkboxes for all records in the list. (Click the Select / Clear All link again to clear the checkboxes for all records in the list.
  3. Click the Share button.

    NOTE: The Share button is not active until one or more records have been selected.

    • The screen refreshes to display the Share with field.

Share With Field

Share With Field

  1. Enter the username or barcode of the user with whom you wish to share the list in the Share with text box.
  2. Click the Share with – Share button to share the list.
    • A “Success” message shows briefly at the top of the screen, and the user is notified that a shared list is available.

To accept a list shared by another user:

NOTE: If other users have shared lists with you, the Your Lists - Shared Lists icon Your Lists - Shared Lists shows the number of pending shared lists for your account in the upper left corner of the icon. You can accept or reject the shared lists, as desired.

  1. Click the Your Lists - Shared Lists icon Your Lists - Shared Lists.
    • The Your Lists screen opens and the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog displays.

Accept/Decline Shared Lists Dialog

Accept/Decline Shared Lists Dialog

  1. Click the Accept button for the desired list.
    • The Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog closes.
    • The accepted list is added to the Your Lists screen.
  2. Repeat step 2 to accept additional shared lists.
    • When the last shared list has been accepted, the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog closes automatically.

NOTE: If you do not wish to accept any shared lists at this time, click the Close button on the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog to close the dialog and leave all shared lists in the “pending” state.

To decline a list shared by another user:

NOTE: If other users have shared lists with you, the Your Lists - Shared Lists icon Your Lists - Shared Lists shows the number of pending shared lists for your account in the upper left corner of the icon. You can accept or reject the shared lists, as desired.

  1. Click the Your Lists - Shared Lists icon Your Lists - Shared Lists.
    • The Your Lists screen opens and the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog displays.
    • The dialog shows all “pending” shared lists for your user account. Each entry in the dialog shows:
      • the name of the user that shared the list
      • the name of the list
      • the number of titles in the list
      • the date on which the list was shared with your account.
  2. Click the Decline button for the desired list.
    • The Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog closes.
    • The declined list is not added to the Your Lists screen.
  3. Repeat step 2 to decline additional shared lists.
    • When the last shared list has been declined, the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog closes automatically.

NOTE: If you do not wish to decline any shared lists at this time, click the Close button on the Accept/Decline Shared Lists dialog to close the dialog and leave all shared lists in the “pending” state.