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Adding a Patron Group

You can add a new Patron Group to your system.

NOTE: Once a Patron Group has been added to the system, it cannot be deleted. If a Patron Group is no longer used by your library and you wish to remove the Patron Group from the Patron Group menus throughout the system, you must set the status of the patron group to “inactive.”

To add a patron group:

  1. On the Patron Groups screen, click the Add a Group button.

    NOTE: If your library is a member of a consortium or collective that utilizes a “shared patron database,” a warning dialog displays the message “Warning: This list is used by all libraries. Adding, merging or editing the name will affect all other member libraries. Do you want to continue?” Click the OK button to continue editing the Patron group. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and return to the Patron Groups screen.

    • The Add Patron Group screen displays in an additional browser window.

Add Patron Group Screen

Add Patron Group Screen

  1. Enter the desired display sequence number for the new group in the Sequence text box.
    • The Sequence number determines the order in which the group is displayed in the Patron Groups screen (see Setting the Patron Group Display Sequence for additional information).
    • You can enter any number from “0” through “999999” as the display Sequence number.
  2. Enter a name for the new group in the Group Name text box.

    NOTE: The Group Name cannot exceed 50 characters (including spaces).

  3. Use the Active checkbox to set the desired status for the patron group:
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates the patron group is active (is available in patron group menus throughout the system).
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates the patron group is not active (is not available in patron group menus throughout the system).
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  4. Use the Staff checkbox to indicate whether library staff may be assigned to the patron group:
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates library staff can be assigned to the group.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates library staff cannot be assigned to the group.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  5. Use the Patron checkbox to indicate whether library patrons may be assigned to the patron group:
    • A checkmark checkmark indicates library patrons can be assigned to the group.
    • An empty checkbox checkbox indicates library patrons cannot be assigned to the group.
    • Clicking a checkbox repeatedly will toggle it on and off.
  6. Click the Submit button on the Add Patron Group screen to submit the new patron group. (Click the Close button to close the Add Patron Group screen without adding the new patron group.)
    • The Patron Groups screen refreshes to display the new patron group.