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Editing Patron Groups

You can change the name, display sequence or status of any existing patron group.

To edit a patron group:

  1. On the Patron Groups screen, click the Edit button for the patron group you wish to edit.

    NOTE: If your library is a member of a consortium or collective that utilizes a “shared patron database,” a warning dialog displays the message “Warning: This list is used by all libraries. Adding, merging or editing the name will affect all other member libraries. Do you want to continue?” Click the OK button to continue editing the Patron group. Click the Cancel button to cancel the operation and return to the Patron Groups screen.

    • The Edit Patron Group screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen is pre-filled with the current values for the selected group.

Edit Patron Group Screen

Edit Patron Group Screen

  1. Enter or edit the Sequence number, Group Name, Active status, and Staff and Patron settings, as desired (see Adding a Patron Group for details).
    • The Active checkbox is available only if no users are currently assigned to the group.
    • The Staff checkbox is available only if no staff members are currently assigned to the group.
    • The Patron checkbox is available only if no patrons are currently assigned to the group.
  2. Click the Submit button on the Edit Patron Group screen to submit your changes. (Click the Close button to close the Edit Patron Group screen without saving your changes.)
    • The Patron Groups screen refreshes to display your changes.