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Mapping Patron Groups

If patron records in the import file include values in the patron_group field (see Preparing an Import File for more information) that are different than the patron groups defined for your system, you can use the Map Patron Group function to “map” the patron group values contained in the import file to the corresponding patron groups in your system.

NOTE: Unless subsequently changed, Patron Group Mapping is retained and applied to all future imports.

To add a patron group mapping:

  1. On the Import User Accounts screen (see Importing a File for details), click the Map Patron Group link.
    • The Patron Group Mapping screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen shows a listing of all currently mapped patron groups.

Patron Group Mapping Screen

Patron Group Mapping Screen

  1. Click the Add New Mapping button.
    • A data entry line displays at the bottom of the list.
  2. Enter the name of a patron group contained in the import file in the External Name text box.
  3. Select the corresponding patron group from the Mapped Category menu.
    • The Mapped Category menu contains a listing of all currently defined patron groups for your system.
  4. Click the Update link to add the new patron group mapping. (Click the Cancel link to cancel the addition.)
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 5 to map additional patron groups. When all desired patron groups have been mapped, click the Close button to close the Patron Group Mapping screen and return to the Import User Accounts screen.

To edit a patron group mapping:

  1. On the Import User Accounts screen (see Importing a File for details), click the Map Patron Group link.
    • The Patron Group Mapping screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen shows a listing of all currently mapped patron groups.
  2. Click the Edit link for the desired mapping.
    • The External Name and Mapped Category values for the selected mapping display in editable fields.
  3. Edit the External Name and Mapped Category values as desired.
  4. When all desired values have been edited, click the Update link to save your changes. (Click the Cancel link to cancel the changes.)
    • The Patron Group Mapping screen refreshes to display your changes.
  5. Repeat steps 2 through 4 to edit additional mappings. When all desired mappings have been edited, click the Close button to close the Patron Group Mapping screen and return to the Import User Accounts screen.

To delete a patron group mapping:

  1. On the Import User Accounts screen (see Importing a File for details), click the Map Patron Group link.
    • The Patron Group Mapping screen displays in an additional browser window. The screen shows a listing of all currently mapped patron groups.
  2. Click the Delete link for the desired mapping.
    • The Patron Group Mapping screen refreshes with the selected mapping removed from the list.
  3. Repeat step 2 to delete additional mappings. When all desired mappings have been deleted, click the Close button to close the Patron Group Mapping screen and return to the Import User Accounts screen.