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Importing a File

Refer to Preparing an Import File to prepare the import file.

To upload an import file:

  1. From the User Admin menu (see The User Admin Menu for details), select Import User Accounts.
    • The Import User Report screen displays.

Import User Report Screen

Import User Report Screen

  1. Click the Add New Import button.
    • The Import User Accounts screen displays.

Import User Accounts Screen

Import User Accounts Screen

  1. Indicate whether the import file is tab-delimited or comma-delimited by selecting either Tab or Comma from the Field Delimiter menu.

    NOTE: If you do not make a correct selection from the Field Delimiter menu, an import error will be generated for each record in the file, and the records will not be imported.

  2. Select the desired method for processing duplicate records from the Action on Duplicate Records menu; either Skip or Overwrite.

    NOTE: VERSO uses the username as the unique key in determining the existence of duplicate records. Duplicate records are determined to exist if 1) a username in the import file matches an existing username in your library’s database, or 2) two or more records in the import file have the same username.

    • If Skip is selected, and a duplicate record is detected in your library’s database, the current record in your library’s database is retained, and the duplicate record in the import file is skipped.
    • If Skip is selected, and duplicate records exist in the import file, the first record containing the duplicate username is added to your library’s database, and all other records are skipped.

      NOTE: You may view a listing of skipped records at the conclusion of the import process (see Viewing Import Results for details).

    • If Overwrite is selected, and a duplicate record is detected in your library’s database, the current record in your library’s database is overwritten by the record in the import file.
    • If Overwrite is selected, and duplicate records exist in the import file, each occurrence of the duplicate username is overwritten by the subsequent occurrence of the username, and the last record containing the duplicate username is added to your library’s database.
  3. If desired, click the Map Patron Home Location link to map patron home location values contained in the import file to patron home locations defined for your VERSO system (see Mapping Home Locations for details).
  4. If desired, click the Map Patron Category link to map patron category values contained in the import file to patron categories defined for your = VERSO system (see Mapping Patron Categories for details).
  5. If desired, click the Map Patron Group link to map patron group values contained in the import file to patron groups defined for your = VERSO system (see Mapping Patron Groups for details).
  6. If desired, click the Map Protected Fields link to create a list of “protected” fields (see Mapping Protected Fields for details).

    NOTE: In the event an import file contains a replacement record for a currently existing patron record in your VERSO database, the current value for a “protected field” will be retained, rather than replaced by the value specified in the import file.

  7. If desired, use the LDF to Foreign Key Copy to populate the foreign_key field in new user records (when empty) with the contents of a selected locally-defined field (LDF1 ~ LDF20).

    NOTE: If you do not wish to populate the foreign_key field in new user records with the contents of a locally-defined field, select None from the LDF to Foreign Key Copy menu.

  8. Use the User Status menu to select the desired action in the event that patron records currently existing in your system’s user database are not included in the import file.

    NOTE: The User Status function is intended primarily to support institutions such as schools when updating their user database with the current enrollment for a given period (year, semester, term). In these cases, import files will typically include a large number of patrons for which records currently exist in the database. The User Status selection determines the status that will be applied to an existing patron record in the database in the event a matching record is not contained in the import file.

    NOTE: If you use the import function only to import new patron records (records for patrons not currently in your user database), the User Status function has no effect.

    • Select Leave Existing Records Unchanged to retain the current status for patron records in your user database in the event a matching record is not contained in the import file.
    • Select Active to apply the “active” status to patron records in your user database for which matching records are not contained in the import file.
    • Select Inactive to apply the “inactive” status to patron records in your user database for which matching records are not contained in the import file.
  9. Click the Browse button to locate the desired import file. A standard Find File dialog displays. Locate the desired file, then click the Open button on the Find File dialog.
    • The filename for the selected file is automatically entered in the Upload File field.
  10. Click the Submit button.
    • The screen refreshes to display the Preview User Records screen. The screen shows a sample import of the first record in the import file.

Preview User Records Screen

Preview User Records Screen

NOTE: If it is determined that data from the import is not being imported to the proper fields, your import file is not properly formatted. Click the Close button to close the Preview User Records screen. Check your import file for proper formatting (see Preparing an Import File for details), and try the import again.

  1. When you are satisfied that data from the import file is being imported to the proper fields, click the Submit button.
    • The Import User Report screen displays, with the new upload added to the list. The Status field shows the current status of the upload.
    • Depending on the number of user records in the import file, it may take from several minutes to more than an hour for the upload to complete.
  2. Click the Click here to refresh link to refresh the display. When the upload is complete, the Import User Report screen displays the final results of the upload (see Viewing Import Results for details).