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Modifying Acquisitions Permissions

When you add a new user and assign Acquisitions Staff permissions (see Adding a User for details), or when you click the Acquisitions Permissions link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the Acquisitions Permissions screen displays. The Acquisitions Permissions screen shows the Acquisitions permissions currently granted to the user. You may grant or deny additional permissions as desired.

Acquisitions Permissions Screen

Acquisitions Permissions Screen

To modify Acquisitions Permissions:

Acquisitions Permissions

Permission Definition
Selection Lists Allows the user to create lists of titles that can be referenced during ordering.
Order Allows the user to view the Order submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Place Order

Allows the user to create a new order for items, encumber funds, and specify distribution.

Edit Order

Allows the user to edit an “in process” order prior to transmission to the vendor.

Order Cancel

Allows the user to generate cancellation letters for order placed through the Acquisitions module, and mark items cancelled by the vendor.

Order Status

Allows the user to you view the Order Detail Entry screen for a selected order.

Add Orders to Batch

Allows the user to add orders to the batch file for subsequent printing and/or automatic transmission.

Print Purchase Orders

Allows the user to print purchase orders for “paper” delivery, and view purchase orders sent via email or X.12 EDI transmission.
Receive Allows the user to “check in” (indicate receipt of) an item from a vendor.
Claiming Allows the user to view the Claiming submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Extract Claims

Allows the user to identify orders containing items that have not been received within a specified number of days of placing the order.

Review Claims

Allows the user to review items for which claims will be generated and print claim letters for items being claimed.
File Maintenance Allows the user to view the File Maintenance submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Vendor Maintenance

Allows the user to create and maintain vendor records for each vendor from which you will acquire materials.

MARC Location Mapping

Allows the user to map locations data contained in MARC records to be uploaded to a Selection List to the appropriate location/collections used by your library.

MARC Material Type Mapping

Allows the user to map material type data contained in MARC records to be uploaded to a Selection List to the appropriate material types used by your library.

Letter Maintenance

Allows the user to create and maintain text for the Order Letter, Claim Letter and Cancel Letter.

Routing Slip Management

Allows the user to enable the generation and printing of Routing Slips during receiving, and specify the content of the Routing Slips.

Library Profiles Maintenance

Allows the user to create and maintain a Library Profile for each branch of your library.

Foreign Currency Maintenance

Allows the user to define and maintain currency exchange rates for foreign currency.

Branch Distribution Lists

Allows the user to create and maintain distribution lists for received items.

Billing Address

Allows the user to create one or more billing addresses.

Acquisitions Configuration

Allows the user to specify the default fiscal year used by the Acquisitions module, and create and maintain passwords to access the fund edit and invoice edit features.
Financial Management Allows the user to view the Financial Management submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Invoice & Payments

Allows the user to process invoices and payments related to your library’s acquisition functions.

Fund Account Maintenance

Allows the user to create separate budget accounts into which your library's acquisitions budget for a given fiscal year may be distributed.

Fund Categories

Allows the user to distribute your library's acquisitions budget, for a specified period, among one or more fund categories.

Clone All Funds

Allows the user to “clone” (duplicate) all existing funds from a selected prior fiscal year into a selected new fiscal year.

Fund Transfer

Allows the user to perform a direct transfer of dollar amounts from one fund to another.
Run Reports Allows the user to view the Run Reports submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Run Reports

Allows the user to generate statistical reports related to your library's acquisitions activities.

View Reports

Allows the user to view reports generated through the Actuations module.

EDI Doc Report

Allows the user to generate a listing that summarizes EDI messages sent from or received by the Acquisitions system during a specified time period.