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Modifying CAT Admin Permissions

When you add a new user and assign CAT Staff permissions (see Adding a User for details), the CAT Admin Permissions screen displays automatically when you submit the new user record. When you click the CAT Admin Permissions link on the Edit User Accounts screen (see Editing User Accounts for details), the CAT Admin Permissions screen displays. The CAT Admin Permissions screen shows the CAT Administration permissions currently granted to the user. You may grant or deny additional permissions as desired.

CAT Admin Permissions Screen

CAT Admin Permissions Screen

To modify CAT Admin Permissions:

Permission Definition
Catalog Maintenance Allows the user to perform catalog maintenance functions (create and edit bibliographic records, add and edit item records) in their library’s main database.
View Download Cart Allows the user to view, manage and download the contents of the Download Cart for their user account.
Download AGCat Utility Allows the user to download the optional AGCat Client to a local workstation.
Create New CAT Record Allows the user to access the Create New Cataloging record screen, from which the AGCat client can be launched to allow for creation of a new bibliographic record.
MARC Tag Report Allows the user to generate MARC Tag Reports.

NOTE: The MARC Tag Report function is optional, and may not be enabled for all libraries or systems. When this permission is selected, the MARC Tag Report option will be shown in the CAT Admin menu ONLY if the MARC Tag Report function has been enabled for your library or system.

MARC Definition Editor Allows the user to access the MARC Definition Editor to view, add, edit and/or delete MARC tag definitions for their system.
Local Cover Images Allows the user to view the Local Cover Images submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Add Local Cover

Allows the user to add a local cover image for a specified bibliographic record.

Delete Local Cover

Allows the user to delete a previously uploaded local cover image from a specified bibliographic record.
Add Item Allows the user to view the Add Item submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Add Item

Allows the user to add a new item record to a selected bibliographic record.

Set Add Defaults

Allows the user to configure the default values for various fields on the Add Item Record screen.
Edit Item Allows the user to edit the content of an existing item record or delete an existing item record.
Item Status Allows the user to view the current status of a selected item
Add Brief Record Allows the user to add a brief record for an item in the event a bibliographic record for the item in their library’s collection does not exist in the library’s database.
Bib Record Merge Allows the user to merge a "duplicate" bibliographic record with a selected "master" record, transfer item records and reserves from the "duplicate " record to the "master" record, and delete the "duplicate" record.
Authority Database Connection Allows the user to specify the parameters for connection to the desired authority database.
Authority Heading Report Allows the user to generate a report showing authority heading usage in your library’s Main A-G database.
MARC Import Allows the user to view the MARC Import submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Item Generation Setup

Allows the user to specify the data required by VERSO to perform automatic item record generation when uploading bibliographic records to their library’s database.

BibTool Admin

Allows the user to upload a MARC record file to their library’s database.

Matching Sets Admin

Allows the user to specify the criteria used to determine when an existing record in their library’s database matches an uploaded MARC record for the purpose of automatically updating the existing record according to data contained in the uploaded record.

Set MARC Load Defaults

Allows the user to configure the default values to be used when importing a MARC record file.
MARC Export Allows the user to view the MARC Export submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Item Generation Setup

Allows the user to specify the data required by VERSO to perform automatic item record generation when downloading bibliographic records from their library’s database.

Export Admin

Allows the user to export a MARC Records file for titles in their library’s database.
Create New Digital Collection Record THIS FUNCTION IS OBSOLETE
Inventory Allows the user to view the Inventory submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Load Inventory

Allows the user to upload an inventory file (essentially a list of barcodes) prepared outside the VERSO system.

Inventory Reports

Allows the user to generate reports that reconcile their library’s physical inventory with the item records in the library’s database.

Online Barcode Entry

Allows the user to enter barcodes for inventoried items for a selected collection online, either manually or by using a barcode scanner.

Set Missing Items Exception

Allows the user to automatically apply the Missing exception to all “unreconciled” items for a selected location

Delete Inventory File

Allows the user to clear the contents of the inventory file for a selected location in preparation of a new inventory for the location.
Print Labels Allows the user to view the Print Labels submenu. User may be selectively granted permissions for the following functions:

Select Labels

Allows the user to choose the specific items for which spine, pocket, and/or barcode labels will be printed.

Review Labels

Allows the user to review the list of items for which spine, pocket and/or barcode labels will be printed prior to printing the labels.

Print Labels

Allows the user to print or export spine and pocket labels for items in the currently selected print set.
Print Barcodes Allows the user to print patron or item barcodes labels based on a specified starting barcode sequence.
Set Workstation Printer Allows the user to specify the workstations printer(s) to be used when printing receipts and other materials during checkout and checkin transactions.
URL (856) Checker Allows the user to validate URLs in MARC tag 856 $u for all records in your library’s A-G database(s).
SAGE Allows the user to perform "group" (batch) editing of Item, User or Acquisitions (order, vendor, fund) records using the Smart Application Group Editor.